Name: Babri Masjid demolition
DateTime dd/mm/yyyy: 6/12/1992 13:00:00
Timezone: 5.5
Latitude, Longitude: 26.792600,82.200200
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Lg - 6.28 | Mo5.82 | Ke28.02 | |
Sun-Sunday,Ashvini-Ke,Shukla Dwadasi 12-Me,Bhava-Su,Varigha-वरीयस्-(Ju) | MaR3.49 | ||
Ve3.38, Sa20.19 | |||
Su20.68, Me0.38, Ra28.02 | Ju16.74 |
- Note that Sun is with Rahu, actions which are against the government in 9th house related to temple.
- Meena rising ruled by jupiter, showing the Sadhu's who are controlling the situation.
- Meena lagna is generally very remanding for govt. actions. Since Sun rules 6th house.
- Mars the Senapathi(Mantri), in 5th Mantra Bhaava is in parivartana with Moon in Mesha. In effect bringing moon to trines.