Dear Friends,
Below is a scanned image reference from the famous Tamil Pambu Panchanga for Pancha Pakshi and the Tamil Vasan Panchanga image.
The five birds Falcon, Owl, Crow, Cock, Peacock rulerships and activities are given in the reference. they are in Tamil, when I get chance I will translate and put a english version.
Please note that the Pambu Panchanga reference may have errors, So I plan to tabulate the Vasan Panchanga.
Warm Regards,
Sanjay P
Tamil Pambu Panchanga (May have error on the Krishna Paksha weekly pakshi activity
Vasan Panchanga Reference.
Hi Sir,
Here is Sunil Patel from Ahmedabad.
I have very deep faith on Indian Astrology but to be honest i haven't found any Good Astrologer...
I would come to you immediately after getting some feedback from you about my past...
Cause i believe if you can predict my past correctly then i am ready to put my all faith on you.
I have lot many questions to ask about Future...but i will be very thank ful to you if you can predict my past.
Birth Details:
Name : Sunil Patel
Location : Ahmedabad
Time: 10.35 am
Date: 28th Novemember ' 1979
Eagerly waiting for your positive Response.
I am ready to pay whatever charges after getting satisfactory answer about past.
Sunil Patel
Contact to know yr past & features by sending me email
Savala Pachi savala vesu kamiga
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