Agni Mantra

Agni Mantra

Friday, September 08, 2023

Varna ashrama dharma

There are 64 lakhs of lower , middle and higher births.After many many lower births of animals etc we take human birth based on avidya, kaama and karma.

There is four major group of karma types to be paid back for mukti. 

1)Shareer karmaPitru/matru( Parental )karma or karma of birth,  to pay back for physical body of your human birth , denoted by Saturn, 7th trines,  collects  in muladhara chakra . this is overcome with *service to parents* or also by being a good parent. Service is key word, hence called antyaja(literally youngest born) karma. After we successfully taking care of parents spouse etc. in society all industries, manufacturing and services are taken care by them. 

We then move to next 

2) Manas karma.Payback for the desires.  This is karma of work and income ..this is our debt to food we eat ...all food is living being and hence we are in debt. Also we are indebted to all material comforts from material world... We have what's called vaishya karma...we have to feed people and supply Material things to the world to pay back the debt.. krishi , go raksha and vanijyam is karma to pay back denoted by mercury and 10th trines and stored in swadhishtana chakra. In society all  tertiary business and food indicates Manas of society.

Next comes 

3) Soul karma know soul is undying. Debt to society and nation .. we pay back by developing and protecting nation or society. this kshatriya karma ..ruled by Mars and Stored in manipura chakra...denoted by lagna (dharma)  trines.

Courage to implement law , order and protection is role in society.

This karma makes you understand that soul is eternal.

After all the karma in sequence is cleaned one goes to last steps of mukti stage 

4) Gyaana karma. pay back Debt to knowledge, ruled by Venus and then Jupiter denoting the Vedas , stored in higher chakras . 4th bhaava and it's has to teach back all one has learned in many lives to pay back... after paying back the debt of knowledge brahman karma...then paramatma gets closer.

None of the karma is optional. Individual has to clear all category of karma.

Mahabharat mentions about 60 or births to clear each category. But , with grace of bhagavan all can be cleared in an eye blink or multiple lifetimes.

The four quadrants and it's trines of a chart indicates these karma.

The sequence of varna rulers is determined by sequence of birth, 8th jump  indicates next category of life.

Kumbha rashi ruled by rahu and Saturn  indicates returning back to birth. 8th from kumbha is  virgo ruled by vaishya mercury, 8th from that is mesha ruled by kshatriya Mars, 8th from there is Mars again so take single jump to Jupiter ruled Sagittarius..

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