
Agni Mantra

Agni Mantra

Friday, April 29, 2005

Essense of bhāva

|| Om Gurave Namah ||
Understanding Bhāvas(Houses)
bhā means to Shine; the zodiac is called bhāchakra (shining circle) and is created by bhāskara (Sun; the light creator). bhāva means a house in zodiac; bhāva means an expression. All human expressions are therefore various shades of light. The word  '(to) Be' could also derived from bhā.
Understanding of houses(bhāva) involves understanding our creation. Vedic-Philosophy teaches that everything is created Supreme Mahavishnu, who has thousands of names. The higher levels of derivation can contemplated upon from Various purānas and bṛhatparāśarahorāśāstra, The material aspects of this universe is best understood by the Shiva and Shakti concept. Sun and Moon in another lower lowel derivation are representatives of Shiva and Shakti. For easier understanding one should first understand the nature of Grahas and then understand the nature of Bhāvas. The 12 unions of Sun and moon in a year causes the 12 Bhāvas. These 12 Bhāvas are grouped in various ways.
The grahas are understood begining with Sun and Moon. The same way Bhāvas can be understood from Mother and Father houses;The Creators. The Sun is the kaaraka of the 9th house (also Lagna) and Moon is the Kaaraka of the 4th house. Trines are created by Sun and Hence he is also called as Konaarka(Kona[Trine]+Arka[Sun]). Moon creates the tides and hence the 4 quadrants. These four multiply with three and we get twelve. 
Sun and Moon are the prime light givers, Shiva and Shakti are the prime knowledge givers. Dharma is from 9th house and Moksha and happiness comes from 4th house. All higher education comes from 9th and all basic education pertinent to making a living comes from 4th. This is indicated by the fact that in D24(caturviṁśaṁśa)the chart for education, the planets are placed from Leo and Cancer.
Further Readings
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

saaaar Vanakkam!

Azhagana article. Why you didn't continue this?
