
Agni Mantra

Agni Mantra

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Web based open source free jyotish software

Om Gurave Namah

EDITOR 2022 Oct: Please note a new GitHub for authors software contribution to jyotish is at https://github.com/SanjayPrabhakaran/

The below links may be outdated. Let me know if you have a any updated link from each of the developers below.

Dear Prafulla, 

 Here is a summary of all the free open source softwares available for Jyotish, 

Location: http://www.mudgala.com/mhora/index.html Description: Made by Ajit Krishnan, very similar to JHora in layout. Uses C# (C-Sharp). I tried compiling and editing it a bit. It works good. You would need at least express edition of C Sharp compiler to edit this software. You can download it from http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/visualcsharp/default.aspx You would need to register the software for free to use it for long duration of time. I was able to successfully compile the program with just view warning messages. Disadvantages: It's Microsoft specific!, You would need .NET and windows on destination machines. But still I liked Ajit krishnan's work here.
Location: http://swephp.rgbsoft.net/ Description: PHP is a web server scripting tool, runs on apache and wide range of Web Servers. This port is very good for making web based Jyotish tools. This would be my recomendation. Disadvantage: The core swiss ephemeris is still a Windows DLL, so some disadvantage.
Location: http://home.earthlink.net/~soloj/pysweph.htm Description: Python, is like Perl, It can be both a stand alone scripting tool and web based scripting tool like ASP and PHP. This would be I think Narayan Iyers recommendation :). But the world Python (Sarpa) puts me off! :). The advantage is that the Core swiss ephemeris is also ported so you need not depend on Swiss ephemeris!. Disadvantage: If you want to deploy it as web based tool, Then some web servers provided by some vendors dont support Python!.
Location: http://astrosurf.com/jephem/astro/ephemeris/et950SwissEphem_en.htm Description: Many would like this. And you can get many programmers to get this done too. The Core swiss ephemeris is also ported I think. Check this out. Personnaly I dont use Java much because of all the over heads.
Excel Based
Location: http://www.geocities.com/sanjayprabhakaran/VDasa.zip Description: This is my contribution to the community, This is an excel sheet based tool to help you with computations which may not be available in many software programs. This is very easy to edit and work with if you know excel. If you do not have microsoft Excel, Then you can download a free open office version at http://www.openoffice.org . Disadvantage: When you use the openoffice Excel to load it, It has some some error appearing. If someone figures it out please inform me. These sheets are basically for users who know how to do the jyotish computation manually and also know to use excel.
I would still prefer a complete Perl Languange port of swiss ephemeris. Hopefully I will get one soon. Warm Regards Sanjay P


Diamondhead said...

Hi Sanjay, you mentioned a server scripting tool for swedll32.dll at http://swephp.rgbsoft.net. That website no longer exists. Is there any way you can send me a copy of the swephp.tar.gz file which was downloadable from that site? When I saw the file long ago I didn't need it, but the project I'm working on now can't possibly do without it.

I want to convert a very simple Visual Basic astrology program (appx 180K of code...all numerical output, no graphics) to a Php web page. Astrology programmers are extremely hard to find! Can you recommend anyone who might be interested in doing this work?

In the event that you can send me a copy of that swephp.tar.gz file, my email is Sally.Kearne@gmail.com


Rüdiger Plantiko said...

>I would still prefer a complete >Perl Languange port of swiss >ephemeris. Hopefully I will get >one soon. Warm Regards Sanjay P


patience rewards. Have a look at



Unknown said...

hi sanju i already use swedll32.dll for my Vb application ant from that i can find out the position of planet and houses for a particular date and time and all other required field.

ut now i want to do so for my php programme How can i find the position of planet Please help me to do so

Thanks in advance you can mail me to my mail address somdeep_123@yahoo.co.in

In the event that you can send me a copy of that swephp.tar.gz file, my email is somdeep_123@yahoo.co.in

Anonymous said...

I'm also interested in swephp, but I can't find it anywhere on the web. Does anyone have a copy they could send me?

Harish said...

Landed in this blog while searching for opensource astrology web application
I searched for the swephp.tar.gz whole Internet but could not find anywhere. Could you please sending me a copy of the application to harishcoorg@gmail.com
it will be great help if you can send the app

Unknown said...

Hello, this is an interesting compilation and I appreciate your evaluations. Have any other tools become available since you created this in 2006?


Astrobie said...

Most of the links are not working now.