
Agni Mantra

Agni Mantra

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sixteen Divisions Notes

 Om Gurave Namah

Dear Friends.
In this page I will try to type some notes of Pt. Sanjay Rath lection on Sixteen Divisions. I will keep adding to this page the other video notes.


Part 5

Now come to concepts.
We talked about 3 devis
Divine 3 Devi,
Cancer = Parvati, Divine mother, Durga, Health.
Libra = Laksmi,Spouse of Visnu 7th House.One who brings fortune.
12th House = Pisce = Saraswati, Moksha, meditation.vedas are in pisces. all shankaracharyas are therefore given title of Saraswati
Saggittarius - Religions.. and also All battle fields are indicated
Divine Masculine signs.
God is needed in the following signs.
Aquarius : When Sun and moon are in this sign we have have Shiva Ratri "Om Namah Shivaaya" or whenever /Saturn/Rahu giving trouble remember Shiva. We need masculine energy in this signs. Saturn and Rahu are windy planets and this tattwa is ruled by Shiva.
Scorpio : Mars and Ketu can be fully cured by Vishnu,
Water is feminine
Wind is tormentting we shiva
when fire is burining we need Vishnu.
Vishnu another name for remover of poison. Mars and Ketu are fire of poision like snake bite we burn to death.
Crocodile/Shark bites are like Saturn/Rahu we need Shiva
Vishnu is the first sound "a", we make this sound whenever we are in trouble.
Last sound is Shiva "ah" the breathing out, this is Shiva, "om" is veda we add "ah", we "a+h= vishnu + shiva add om we get aum, and haum. Haum mantra is for shiva.
Scorpio we have do Vishnu
Aquarius we do Shiva worship
Sun is another malefic planet, Sun is the ego and denies another,.. and this is a soul level problem... That is the problem of Leo 5th house who thinks he knows every thing... "Raama" mantra is needed for this sign.
The three sounds are Raama, Aum and Haum. This needs initiation.
Raama is Guru Initiation. Om is brahmana initiations and you will loose all violence problem mars and ketu problem.
Haum is no more sorrow and rebirth.
The guru gives the glass of water how long it takes drink the water is your problem..
Haum is Sanyasa and removes from all attachments. What you love the most you should try to give up.
Problems are in Leo, Mars ruled Scorpio/Aries and Sat/Aquarius/Capricorn. Total is 5 Signs of trouble.

Part 9

Look at this chart , This is night birth. Now I am going to divide day and night in time parts.
We have
day : 6AM Mercury 7AM Jupiter - 10AM Sun - 3PM Venus 5PM Merc
night: 6PM Merc 7PM mars - 10PM moon - 3AM saturn 5AM Merc.
lets take exaply midnight a person is born.
I have taken planets in order and given 3 parts of day/night... sandhi is given to merc...
For 12Night
There is two hora is hhow i am feeding.. the source is see with this...person born midnight source is moon. some born 9PM is mars... you have to get food to give food...
This is chart of shree krishna.
Suppose person in born in midday....Sun is suppose to get you money...If you need to get 10 slices of bread saying where u get it from is not accurate...
in world source is different from feeding.. You get from one planet. I need to find out the planet feeding is strong... Ex shree krishna is born in midnigh... the Moon is the giver of resouces... Giver of fortune.... It's in taurus in second house...exalted.. you got it?? Do you think he will get lot of money... when he was born ...he need to be taken to a milkmans house and let got a empire....
I first taught u how are you eating and now shown how u are getting.. I should have done the reverse..
In this chart it's obviouse he got huge amout of resource.. because he is born in midnight..
Find what time you are born

Haris born in sunset.. Fortune planet is mercury... mercury in 8th house... now you see the problemm.. unlesss mercury says you cannot get money...
I was born at 9PM Mars is given Mars in 7th it's horrible no chance....
If your strengthen the planet u get the resources... how do you stregthen the planet???,,, If you are born in sun half u are in father half in moon half you are mother half that is from ascetandant you brain is cofigured taking either to father or mother... What is to be offered so for mercury you have to offer leave.. for Venus... (Naivedhya)....Sun offer Honey.... Moon Milk, Venus...Food/Fruits....for jupiter flower, saturn incesnse... Mars Lamp/candle..
So what should I do ?... I have to put ghee in a little lamp and come...Moment i do this I get some resources....This is from the time of the day/night you are born. if ex 10:30AM then Sun.Sun in Leo you have lot of money... You have to offer money to shiva... since sun is extremely well placed....She has been taken care of ... Sun in 11th house... 11th house is house of getting ...unlike in 2nd house of wealth...(11th is upachaya)...11 th it will give you what you ask... but you have to ask.. offer the Honey and then watch...
Another Sun in 12th house... Like sanjayji Mars in 7th... Sun is worst in 12th...(Marana Kaaraka staana) so the finance is difficult, both same club...

Part 10

What is an offering, Can I do the offering in "Flight" they will a gun on your head. Basically you can do it mind, It has to Manasa Pooja. If it was physicall remedy it will be rich... The problem is people do it physicall but they dont do it in Mind, It will work if you do in mind. Offer it Mind. Then they will get it... Without doing the mind thing don't do the physical mind... It will surely work... 
Ascendant, is Head, i.e you have head. The remedy for all 16 divisionals in the mind. 
When we put incense we are cleaning the tattwa (Air). When  you light Lamp (Agni tatwa get cleaned....The Leo sign gets cleaned., you can give Honey to Shiva Linga. you can give to father but then Shiva linga will free you rather than attach you. Leaf is Mercury.. People who are born in sun/rise/set they will get breathing problem when the money comes.  So LEave is a also Air/...
If you offer to shiva linga.,.,upper is father lower is mother so you cover both...

What if you are born in border?....the times given in the table, you have to take exact Sun rise and set. the table is just approximate 6AM, 10AM etc. you have to take the day and divide in 3 parts... on the day you were born. this is for you homework...if you dont do this you will not know where you food is coming from...

Part 11

This is a multimillionaire chart everybody knows about JRD Tata, He bought the Jaguar company. He is from India, He built a huge city for Software employees in US. He is steel magnate in the world. Everything needs steel. We are living in Aquarian Age. He is the kind of person who can go to Paris and buy house for wife delivery.

See How is the moon placed the moon is the 11th house with Ketu...Which is thebest  house to have it in. A Planet in the 11th house if you ask u will get. Kety is the lord of the 8th house. He is born at midnight. Which house moon is in? Ketu has to given money. All Graha's keep the money in Home. 8th house is house of inheritance and Ketu's home is Scorpio... In todays calculation God knows how much money he has... (Compared to our chart cannot be compared...Next chart  Rockefeller)

Rockefeller Sr., John D.

Natal Chart
Date:          July 8, 1838
Time:          23:55:00
Time Zone:     5:05:00 (West of GMT)
Place:         76 W 12' 00", 42 N 21' 00"

Again this is a midnight birth, so moon is the lord, Saturn is lord of Moon., Did Saturn rules oil... In the previous chart, Moon is in Saturn Sign...Lord of the sign is the one who is going to gather the money...In another case Sun is the giver in Leo...So Fatheris giving the money...In in MErcury house the you get money from teaching...For sanjayji it's in Mars... Mars in Mercury house... So he teaches. Mercury is Leo house so some govt jobs... How much money will depend on that planet and depending upon his time.
You need to make to strong maybe you need wear a Gem Stone... If you are loosing focus...then you are not serious about money in your chart....This is the source.. if it's not happening... Exaltation is best, own house is good. Directional strength mean you need to apply brains.
Planet is  determined byr the process we identified during thr birth... 
Lord of the sign is the one who gathers the food...it should be look at ascedant etc...

Take Sunrise till Sunset

6AM = Sunrise.
divide into 3 parts.
6AM Jupiter 10AM Sun 2PM Venus
6PM Mars 10PM Moon 2AM Saturn


Anonymous said...

sir I need your help and guidance.My son is giving his IIT entrance exam on May 24th ,2015 .what I am worried is he will be going through Rahu dasha and ketu antar dasha.will rahu do good also.please will be grateful if you can tell if he has any good chances for good rank in IIT jee.Thanks and God bless you and your family. parvati .

Anonymous said...

sorry sir most important I forget to give his birth details.26 august 1997 mumbai time 12.44 pm.parvati