Agni Mantra

Agni Mantra

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Lagnamshaka Dasa

|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Answer to Question Below

Dear Prashanth,
Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this combination will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge.

Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learn Jyotish better. Till the time you get confidence you can continue reading Dr. BV Raman's Books and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely solely on Rishiis in your learnings.

Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tell you about Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details).

Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress in Dhi Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controls a certain aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time controls your Dhi Shakti.
The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi Shakti,
1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi.
2. Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegence for the Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and protects the native. For
3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge, Jupiter is higher cycle of Sun.

Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your progress in your Dhi shakti,

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Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Maha Dasas:

Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am)
Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm)
Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am)
Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am)
Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) - 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm)
Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm)

Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am)
Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm)
Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am)
Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm)
Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am)
Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm)
Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm)
Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm)

In your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a very important role for your intelligence development,

Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important,

1. Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives tremendous change in person's intellegence. The person goes rapid change in thinking and opinions about the world.
2. Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to understand Dharma. The person tries to learn various scriptures and implement them. The person could take some dharmic habits.
3. Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural Atmakaaraka, Hence the person may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers everything and hence causes the Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A person may read Bhagavata geeta in this period.

For other signs understand the intelligence development using the Lord of the Sign and Bhaava.

Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since 2000 to 2009. Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashi aspects the Gemini. Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This is a very good time for you to continue learning.
The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and Temproary Atmakaaraka in your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is will be very good. This is for sure.

Warm Regards
Sanjay P

On 5/30/06, praskam wrote:

Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha.

Dandavat pranaams.

I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a
learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question.
Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to my
cousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to the subject.
Since then I have purchased and read a number of books including
Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be very
advanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of facts
collected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope - and
this after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I
have seen with awe some things, which could never have been guessed,
being read from a horoscope.

In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too), the
late Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making
correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine, but
intuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance on mathematical
techniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he relies almost
solely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts -
without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbala etc.
He however doesn't say anything about how to develop intuition -
except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify) mantras
will help the process.

Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury should be
strongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Me
should be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in the second

I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have any
chance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12
house in both rasi and navamsa.

Date: 14/11/1977
Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13)
Time: 10:35 am

I apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be blessed
by any guidance.

Warm regards,

Reservation Issue ( India Mundane Jyotish)

|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Hare Rama Krishna
Respected Gurujans and Learned members .
What would be the bhavishya of this country if such amendments continue to happen?Scholars will be outside the screen and eductaion quality will be diluted.Here is arjun singhs interview with karana thapar on the recent reservation issue.Kindly find the attachment.Can anybody at such honourable seat manage to say that he does not know anything whats happening?
Regards and respect.
Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Paul,

In Indian Independence chart we have 9th and 10th Lord as Saturn. That is the Policies and nature of work done by the Indian govt. will be governed by Saturn. Hence India has strong leaning to Kaaraka of Saturn for policy making. Saturn indicates the lower strata of community, the under privileged etc.

Saturn is Yoga Kaaraka and Situated in 11th from Arudha Lagna. Hence Income from Saturn related terms gives lot of growth but in slow manner. You should undertand that when India is now in a growing phase, Most income is by Cheap Labour in engineering, support etc. It's presence in with Mercury in 3rd house make the labour very talented. Being in 11th from Arudha gives much income.

But Since 9th House is also badhakesha for Taurus, There difficulty in understanding the Policy to implement. Hence is causing much trouble. Mercurial 5th House is giving argala obstructed by Saturnine 9th. Mercury wants Talent ONLY to come up since its a very rajasic planet, the kaarka for 10th (The source of Wealth). Hence the current debate.
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Let's see what the current Government will do for the Natal chart's indication.

The Current Indian Central Govt. 2004 Chart is attached.

It's observed that the hora Lord is Mercury, The 9th Ruler having Parivartana with Mars. And 9th Having Saturn. Again a Yoga Kaaraka for Libra lagna. Hence Saturn and Mercury are again in fight this time. So this govt will also try to implement Policy dictated by Saturn in 9th. But the Parivartana with Mars will finally dicate the Policy. Mars is friendly to neither Saturn or Mercury. But It has to listen to Mercury since it's change a house with Mercury. [Also See:]

You should understand that the this mars, mercury parivaratna is coming up in other State's chart like the current Tamil Nadu government, etc

The Final Policy implemented may not be favourable to saturn (reservation) in this current govt. Since Mars is having parivartana on 9th. The Govt. Has to come back again with better policy for India's Natal Saturn to function better.

Warm Regards
Sanjay P

Further content from

Below is the Chart for swearing in time for the Manmohan Singh Govt. of

First Some basics,
Muhurtha Chart 8th house indicates the weaknesses in the activity. It's preferred to have no graha in 8th.
The 9th House in Govt. Forming charts indicates the policies(Dharma/Rules) of the Govt.

The Reservation policy in dictated by Saturn. As Saturn indicates the weak in the society, who needs special treatment. The Natal chart of India is Taurus LAgna with Saturn as the 9th and 10th Lord. Hence the Natal chart of india itself indicates that the underpreviledged (Saturn) will be one of the driving factors for Policy making and Administration.

The Same comes up in this Govt.'s Swearing in chart. With Saturn sitting in 9th house being. The First time this Govt. mentioned about reservations was in December 18, 2005

The Compressed Vimshottari was Saturn dasa

Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

Maha Dasas:

Rah: 2003-12-31 (13:56:54) - 2004-10-02 (7:52:27)
Jup: 2004-10-02 (7:52:27) - 2005-05-30 (19:06:15)
Sat: 2005-05-30 (19:06:15) - 2006-03-15 (4:51:09)

Antardasas in this MD:

Sat: 2005-05-30 (19:06:15) - 2005-07-17 (1:17:04)
Merc: 2005-07-17 (1:17:04) - 2005-08-28 (4:02:57)
Ket: 2005-08-28 (4:02:57) - 2005-09-14 (7:24:43)
Ven: 2005-09-14 (7:24:43) - 2005-11-01 (10:11:57)
Sun: 2005-11-01 (10:11:57) - 2005-11-15 (14:48:00)
Moon: 2005-11-15 (14:48:00) - 2005-12-09 (1:59:38)
Mars: 2005-12-09 (1:59:38) - 2005-12-25 (10:11:44)
Rah: 2005-12-25 (10:11:44) - 2006-02-05 (10:11:16)
Jup: 2006-02-05 (10:11:16) - 2006-03-15 (4:51:09)

Merc: 2006-03-15 (4:51:09) - 2006-12-01 (19:33:59)
Ket: 2006-12-01 (19:33:59) - 2007-03-15 (10:41:40)
Ven: 2007-03-15 (10:41:40) - 2008-01-15 (6:25:59)
Sun: 2008-01-15 (6:25:59) - 2008-04-14 (0:57:29)
Moon: 2008-04-14 (0:57:29) - 2008-09-16 (23:43:47)
Mars: 2008-09-16 (23:43:47) - 2008-12-30 (19:08:57)

The Mahadasa lord Saturn in 9th house indicates the same. The current dasa is of Mercury. Mercury is in parivartana with Mars!. in natal chart. Mercury is 9th lord and Mars is the 7th Lord. Hence Policy seeming controlled by Mercury is actually determined by Mars!. Which is
inimical to Saturn. Hence Saturn determined Policy will not favour well for the current govt. The Exchange in lordships will favour more Mars related policy. Mars favours policy in Defence, Engineering, etc. so the Govt, will show reverse this current policy, Else Voilence Due to
mars will surely show up.

Warm Regards
Sanjay P

5-yr chart

Date: May 22, 2004
Time: 17:32:00
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 77 E 12' 00", 28 N 36' 00"
New Delhi, India
Altitude: 0.00 meters

Lunar Yr-Mo: Tarana - Jyeshtha
Tithi: Sukla Tritiya (Ma) (0.94% left)
Vedic Weekday: Saturday (Sa)
Nakshatra: Aardra (Ra) (47.22% left)
Yoga: Soola (Ju) (63.60% left)
Karana: Garija (Ju) (1.88% left)
Hora Lord: Mercury (5 min sign: Vi)
Mahakala Hora: Venus (5 min sign: Sg)
Kaala Lord: Mars (Mahakala: Venus)

Sunrise: 5:31:02
Sunset: 19:05:00
Janma Ghatis: 30.0404

Ayanamsa: 23-54-54.71
Sidereal Time: 9:12:36

Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa

Lagna 18 Li 01' 37.52" Swat 4 Li Pi
Sun - GK 7 Ta 48' 57.79" Krit 4 Ta Pi
Moon - PiK 13 Ge 42' 12.20" Ardr 3 Ge Aq
Mars - AmK 15 Ge 40' 38.10" Ardr 3 Ge Aq
Mercury - PK 13 Ar 27' 32.17" Bhar 1 Ar Le
Jupiter - BK 15 Le 27' 12.34" PPha 1 Le Le
Venus (R) - DK 1 Ge 48' 28.55" Mrig 3 Ge Li
Saturn - AK 17 Ge 05' 54.82" Ardr 4 Ge Pi
Rahu - MK 16 Ar 14' 27.84" Bhar 1 Ar Le
Ketu 16 Li 14' 27.84" Swat 3 Li Aq
Maandi 20 Ta 39' 01.96" Rohi 4 Ta Cn
Gulika 7 Ta 20' 04.34" Krit 4 Ta Pi
Bhava Lagna 7 Sc 34' 36.84" Anu 2 Sc Vi
Hora Lagna 7 Ta 49' 09.50" Krit 4 Ta Pi
Ghati Lagna 8 Sc 32' 47.50" Anu 2 Sc Vi
Vighati Lagna 12 Ta 10' 57.50" Rohi 1 Ta Ar
Varnada Lagna 18 Cn 01' 37.52" Aswi 1 Cn Aq
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Monday, May 29, 2006

Meaning Behind The Madhu Kaitabha Story

From: Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <>
Date: May 28, 2006 11:56 PM
Subject: [sohamsa] Meaning Behind The Madhu Kaitabha Story
To:, ,

Namaste learned friends,
Someone queried a while back on the meaning behind the story of Madhu Kaitabha. Here is a quick reply based on my limited understanding.
* * *
Madhu means honey. "Madhu keeta" means an insect of honey, i.e. honey bee. Madhu kaita means belonging to honey bees. It can be the qualities or nature of honey bees. One of the meanings of "bha" is "having a similarity to". Thus, in my judgment, "Madhu Kaitabha" means "having a semblance to the nature of honey bees".
* * *
Like I keep saying, Sanskrit is a fantastic language. Sanskrit names selected by Rishis for expressing various concepts and stories are very thoughtful. Depending on how deep one goes, there are many meanings of the same word. Thus, Rishis expressed concepts that may have one meaning to a layman and a different meaning to one who is ready to understand the deeper meaning! I salute to the wisdom of our Rishis!
I was saying the same thing at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam last weekend. When somebody said at an open discussion that the idea is important and not the name, as there are many names of the same thing in many languages, I made a quick point about the value of Sanskrit names. I said that Sanskrit names have not one meaning, but layers of meanings that can be understood based on the capability of the reader. Rishis used this to hide some special meanings and to keep some higher knowledge as secret, even though it is very much out there! The example I gave was of bhava and pada. Parasara described bhavas (houses) and how to find their respective padas (arudha padas of houses) and said that a bhava and its pada should be judged to see the matters of a house. Though he did not explain the difference between a bhava and its pada further and did not elucidate when to use which one, I said that the very choice of names is a huge clue! Bhava, which is usually translated as a house, also means "a thought/concept/feeling" and pada means "a symbol/word" used to express a thought/concept. Thus, houses are to their arudha padas what thoughts (bhavas) are to the words (padas) that attempt to express them. For example, if the 4th house shows one's happiness, the pada of 4th house shows the tangible articles that attempt to throw light on one's happiness (e.g. vehicle owned by one, TV owned by one etc). Houses (bhavas) show intangible/internal aspects of a matter (just like thoughts inside one's head), while their arudha padas show tangible/external aspects of a matter (just like the external words spoken that attempt to express the thoughts in the head). If you use the English words to translate Parasara, this hidden meaning may be lost! So, I argued that Sanskrit names used by Rishis are not like words in any language.
* * *
Anyway, let us come back to the Madhu Kaitabha story. As I said, Madhu Kaitabha means "having a semblance to the quality of honeybees". What is the quality of honey bees? Well, they keep working hard to accumulate the sweet honey! They are not intelligent enough to think about any higher things in life. Thus, Madhu Kaitabha are an allegory to the quality within us which makes us work hard, like honeybees, with a single-minded focus on accumulating material comforts. Like honeybees accumulate honey, we accumulate material objects and spend whole life working hard doing just that.
Vishnu is a personification of the sattwa guna of the Parama Purusha (Universal/Absolute Being). Within us, Vishnu is an allegory to the sattwa guna within us. Madhu Kaitabha were born from Vishnu's earwax when He was alseep. The ability to work hard like a bee is not really a terrible thing. This ability is essentially born from the sattwa guna within us, when it is in deep slumber (i.e. sattwa guna covered by taamasi shakti, i.e. sattwa guna that "manifests" in a taamasik way).
There are so many good people in this world, who just spend their entire lives in honest labor like the honeybees and accumulate things for themselves and others around them. Their sattwa is in deep sleep and Madhu Kaitabha born from that asleep sattva are very much active.
The problem with this focus on hard work and accumulation of material objects is that it keeps us away from supreme bliss. Madhu Kaitabha's attack on Brahma and Vedas is symbolic of that. Vedas symbolize the supreme and liberating knowledge of self and Brahma, the carrier of Vedas, symbolizes the sadhana to achieve the supreme knowledge. The focus on working like honeybees and accumulating material objects tries to kills one's ability to do sadhana and obtain supreme knowledge of self.
Vishnu battles Madhu Kaitabha for 5,000 years. Devi Bhagavatam even describes that Vishnu wondered in the middle how to defeat Madhu Kaitabha, as He finds them quite formidable! Even when the sattva in us awakens, it is difficult for it to overcome the formidable instinct to lead the life of a honeybee and to accumulate the material objects for oneself and others.
When Madhu Kaitabha finally agree to be slain by Vishnu, they ask Him to kill them in a place where there is no water. They see that there is water all around and think that there is no place where there is no water. The Mooladhara, Swadhishthana, Manipoora, Anahata and Visuddhi chakras are the seats of earthy, watery, fiery, airy and ethery elements respectively. Swadhishthana chakra is supposed to control desires and hence water symbolizes desire. As long as there is desire, it is tough to overcome the instinct of just working for material objects!
When they want a place that has no water, Vishnu shows his thighs. There is no water there and only earthy element. This suggests that Parama Purusha's Mooladhara chakra is in the thighs of Vishu. (Note: If Chandra Hari is reading this, he will probably realize that this point supports his view on Mooladhara! But I will not say anything more on it for now, as it is a totally different topic. But I do want to acknowledge that this supports his view.)
According to Parasara, thighs are seen from the 9th house of dharma. The earthy element symbolizes the commitment and stability. The fact that earthy element came from the thighs of Vishnu shows that it is the dharma of sattwa guna sustaining this universe that ensures that there is commitment and stability in this creation.
Moreover, it is apt that someone born in the ears (3rd house) of Vishnu found end in the thighs (9th house, i.e. 7th house of death from the 3rd house) of Vishnu! Similarly, Brahma, who is born from the navel (6th house) of Vishnu should naturally find His end in the 12th house of Vishnu (feet), which is the 7th house of death from the 6th house! That may be why Vishnu goes to sleep, when there is a change of Brahma.
Thus, the instinct within us to keep accumulating material objects like honey bees accumulate honey finds its end in the dharma of the sattwa guna, i.e. when the sattwa guna within us follows its dharma. Then we are fully awake spiritually. Naturally, the path to self-knowledge becomes open then and Brahma becomes elated.
Thus, the story of Madhu-Kaitabha refers, allegorically, to the instinct most of us have towards leading a "regular" life, working hard like honeybees and accumulating objects for self and others and how that instinct needs to be defeated by waking up the sattwa guna and allowing to perform its dharma.
* * *
Lest I am misunderstood, I need to clarify one thing. I am not saying that these stories are not real. These stories ARE very much real. In fact, when a Yogi is able to transport consciousness to a particular plane, He/She can vividly see these stories actually happening. The stories are as real as our own existence as beings made of flesh and blood is, in the normal plane of consciousness.
What I am saying is that there is an allegorical link between various planes of consciousness. What is real in one plane of consciousness is an allegory in another plane of consciousness. If one is atleast capable of understanding a story as an allegory, that will serve a valuable purpose!
If you did not understand my last point, please feel free to ignore it. It is not that important.
* * *
The Shata Chandi Homam we did in Chennai during March 1-7 was for a specific goal - relief for a spiritual master of south India from unfortunate legal troubles. Interestingly, after exactly 64 days passed since the poornaahuti of that homam, some political events happened in Chennai, which MAY bring some relief. We'll see.
We intend to do more Shata Chandi homas, this time without any specific goal but just for universal well-being, in the coming years. If She is willing, we may perhaps do the next Shata Chandi homam in the Pune area in 2007 or 2008. If any of you practice reading Durga Saptashati, you can volunteer and help us the next time. In a Shata Chandi homam, Durga Saptashati is to be recited 100 times. If you can read it well, you can come there and contribute towards the count of 100. If interested, please start practicing the recital of Durga Saptashati.
I heard Durga saptashati for the time in this life in October 2005 and read it for the first time on the morning of March 3, 2006. Still I ended up contributing 15 or so readings to the Shata Chandi homam. If some of you practice from now, you should easily be able to read a few times at the next Shata Chandi homam! If there are enough reciters, who knows, we may even be able to do a Sahasra Chandi Homam soon!
Please spread Durga Saptashati reading among people you know.
May the light of Brahman shine within,
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*tat savitur varenyam*

Vedic astrology software Vedic astrology


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Durga Saptashati/Devi Mahatmyam

From: Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <>
Date: May 13, 2006 4:42 PM
Subject: [sohamsa] On Durga Saptashati/Devi Mahatmyam (long)

Namaste friends,
> |om gurave namah |
> Respected Gurujis,
> I have heard a lot about Durga saprastuti; what is Durga saptastuti? What is its significance in vedic astrology?
> Any pointers or explanation in this regards are appreciated.
> Regards,
> Pranav
You asked a good question. I've been thinking of writing about Devi Mahatmyam for a while and have an occasion to do it now.
There is something known as Durga Saptashloki, which is 7 verses in the prayer of Divine Mother. This is a short form of a bigger treatise known as Durga Saptashati. I will focus on the latter in this mail.
Durga Saptashati (aka Devi Mahatmyam or Chandi saptashati or Chandipath) is a collection of 700 verses about Divine Mother. It is from Maarkandeya Puraanam.
The 700 verses are arranged in 13 chapters. Also, they are arranged in 3 parts (charitas). Some parts have more chapters and some parts have less. The three parts have MahaaKaali, MahaaLakshmi and MahaaSaraswati as the deities. They have Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda as the swarupas, i.e. each Veda is a different representation/form/essence of each part. The purposes of the three parts are dharma, artha and kaama respectively. They have aim, hreem and kleem as the beejas.
* * *
Some people mistakenly think that it is merely an account of the exploits of Durgaa and her slaying of demons Mahisha, Chanda, Munda, Raktabeeja, Shumbha, Nishumbha etc. They view it as a collection of stories. But, IMHO, that is a very limited view. Devi mahatmyam is much more than a collection of stories. Vedas are its swarupam!
Devi mahatmyam is the very definition of the nature of Divine Mother. When I say Divine Mother, I am not talking about limited forms. I am talking about unlimited Shakti (energy) behind all limited Shaktis. Some people call her Durgaa, some call her Chandi and some call her Mahaalakshmi. The name does not matter that much. Bottomline is that She is the Moola Prakriti, the root nature, of all that manifests. She is the force that drives everything in the universe.
Towards the end, the 11th chapter (titled "Naaraayani Stuti") describes gods praying to the Divine Mother after slaying all the demons. They address Her as "Naaraayani". This is consistent with the difference between Narayana and Vishnu that we maintain at SJC. Vishnu is one of the Trimurthis. He is of Sattva guna and sustains the creation. Narayana is gunaateeta (above gunas/attributes). He is the Sahasraseersha and Parama Purusha. Some people may describe the same as Samba Sada Shiva, but let us not get caught in names. When we are essentially speaking about an entity that is beyond attributes, it is foolish to argue about the name. After all, name too is an attribute. Though great people gave different names to the Parama Purusha, the names essentially capture the nature of the path those people took to experience the Parama Purusha rather than the nature of Parama Purusha, which is beyond names and attributes.
The bottomline is that there is a Parama Purusha above the Trimurthis (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). If we call him Narayana, then Narayani is his Shakti and She is the root cause of all creation. She is inseparable from Him. Don't imagine Narayani as a separate form. That is a mistake. She is simply the power of Narayana. Neither Narayana nor Narayani have a form. After all, Narayana is gunaateeta and formless. Though He CAN take forms, forms only "limit" Him. His highest nature is that He has no form or attributes. Similarly, Amba is not a separate person, but simply the power of Samba Shiva. They are inseparable (just as Sourav said in a separate discussion on "Samba Shiva and Adwaita").
Coming back to the point, the nine Shaktis who fought demons, i.e. Brahmaani, Maaheswari, Kaumaari, Vaishnavi/Lakshmi, Vaaraahi, Naarasimhi, Sivadooti and Chaamundaa/Kaali, are all described as different forms of Naaraayani. I am quoting the slokas below in ITrans format. If you have ITranslator, copy the text into it and see it in Sanskrit.
haMsayuktavimAnasthe brahmANIrUpadhAriNi |
kaushAmbhaHkSarike devi nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-13
trishUlachandrAhidhare mahAvR^iShabhavAhini |
mAheshvarIswarUpeNa nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-14
mayUrakukkuTavR^ite mahAshaktidhare.anaghe |
kaumArIrUpasaMsthAne nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-15
shaMkhachakragadAshAr~NgagR^ihItaparamAyudhe |
prasIda vaiShNavIrUpe nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-16
gR^ihItogramahAchakre daMShTroddhR^itavasundhare |
varAharUpiNIshive nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-17
nR^isiMharUpeNogreNa hantuM daityAn kR^itodyame |
trailokyatrANasahite nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-18
kirITini mahAvajre sahasranayanojjvale |
vR^itraprANahare devi nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-19
shivadUtIswarUpeNa hatadaityamahAbale |
ghorarUpe mahArAve nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-20
daMShTrAkarAlavadane shiromAlAvibhUShaNe |
chAmuNDe muNDamathane nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-21
The nine Shaktis that fought the demons are described as various forms/manifestations of Naaraayani here. Thus, Devi Mahatmyam is essentially about the Shakti of Gunaateeta Parama Purusha (Narayana). All devatas come from Him and hence the shaktis (energies) of all devatas come from His shakti (Narayani). Thus, Devi Mahatmyam is about the nature of the most supreme energy of this universe!
* * *
Though Devi Mahatmyam looks like stories, there are very valuable lessons on Her nature in it. The deeper you go, the more you can understand and appreciate the lessons in the stories. Let me give a couple of examples.
(1) When various Mothers are going to war with demons, this is how it is described (8-14): "Whatever form, decoration, weapons and vehicle each god has, his shakti (energy) came in the same form, decoration, weapons and vehicle." The next 9 verses describe how Brahmaani etc came. For example, Brahmaani came on a swan with aksha sutra and kamandalu (worn by Brahma), Maaheswari came on a great bull with a Trishoola and She wore a big snake and Moon. And so on.
What is the message hidden in the above description? The fact that these female deities are identical to the male counterparts in form, decoration, weapons and vehicles suggests, to me, that they are not really separate from the male counterparts. Brahma and Brahmaani are not separate. Maheswara and Maaheswari are not separate. Vishnu and Vaishnavi are not separate. And so on. Brahmaani is simply the shakti (vitality/energy) of Brahma. Maaheswari is simply the shakti (vitality/energy) of Maheswara. And so on.
Of course, if you imagine Vaishnavi (Lakshmi) as a separate person with certain attributes, She may manifest limited by your imagination and even give you a darshan in that form. However, that is a limited form and Her true nature is beyond that. Her true and highest nature is that She is an inseparable part of Vishnu and represents the energy of Vishnu. She is the part of Vishnu that makes Vishnu think, desire, act etc. Any other external form is a lower nature of Her.
Thus, contemplation on these verses will make you understand the true nature of male devatas and female devatas and their relationship better. It will enable you to appreciate the highest nature of Shakti.
(2) Take Raktabeeja's slaying. Raktabeeja is a demon with a special ability. If a drop of blood falls from his body on the ground, another demon will be born from it and will be of the same size, age and strength as the original Raktabeeja even at birth. As Vaishnavi, Maaheswari, Aindri etc were hurting Raktabeeja in the fight, more and more demons were being born and all the gods were scared. Then Chandikaa told Kaali to expand her face and eat all the demons as they are born. Chandika goes around the war ground eating all the demons as they are born and eventually Raktabeeja runs out of blood.
This looks like a nice story. But, is there is a deeper meaning in it? Why was Kaali the chosen one and not Vaishnavi or Naarasimhi or Aindri?
The word rakta means blood. Another meaning is "desire/passion". Actually, both the meanings are linked and the word comes from the root ranj/rang, which means "to color". Of course, in our astrology also, Moon shows rakta dhatu (blood) and he is also the karaka for desires.
Raktabeeja means "the seed of desire". Raktabeeja fighting with gods symbolizes desires taking the better of our good judgment and good qualities. Each human being is a microcosm of the macrocosm that the universe is. All devatas reside in us as various good qualities and all demons reside in us as various undesirable qualities. When we are overcome by desires and do bad deeds, the Raktabeeja within us is defeating the gods within us.
The thing is that desires are difficult to get rid of. You get rid of one desire and another desire is born. That is what Raktabeeja's special ability means. The "seed of desires" within us will keep producing more and more desires. It is very resourceful.
Then, why Kaali to destroy Him?
In astrology, we associate Mahaakaala and Mahaakaali with Saturn. Kaali shows detachment and vairaagyam. She wears a garland of skulls, symbolizing that there is an endless cycle (garland) of births a material form (skull) goes thru. The way Kaali shows to overcome the cycle is vairaagyam and detachment. She shows meaningful and highest level of vairaagyam that comes with a deep understanding of the cycle of material forms.
To fully cut off the "seed of desires" so that one does not get any more desires, one needs to develop vairaagyam and detachment and keep on destroying desires as they are born and persist like that. After persisting for a long time, the "seed of desires" will run out of desires and one will overcome desires.
Thus, simple stories have deep meanings. This particular story celebrates the value of detachment, vairaagyam and persistence - Saturnine qualities.
* * *
Durga Saptashati is what is used in Chandi homam. It is very auspicious to read everyday or on Ashtami/Navami/Chaturdasi days. It takes 1-2.5 hours. When I read it for the first time on March, it took me 2 hours. Now it takes me 50 min. If you don't have much time, you may want to read one chapter per day.
Merely chanting it without understanding the meaning is also excellent and produces results. Understanding the meaning and marvelling at the power of the Mother makes one fearless and energetic and also give material benefits. Understanding the deeper meanings and appreciating the True Nature of the Mother makes one realize one's own true nature. It has various benefits at various levels of sadhana. It is tough to exactly say what benefit it gives, as that depends on the evolution level of sadhaka and his attitude. But, there is something in Chandipath for everyone!
It is more effective if you read the moola mantra (the Navakshari mantra or, preferably, Dasakshari mantra with Om added) 108 times before AND after chanting 700 verses.
I will give one interesting personal anecdote. I started reading Durga Sapta Shati during Shata Chandi Homam at Chennai in March. I took a vow to read it for 108 consecutive days. After I finished exactly 40 days of reading it, a priest who came to our house gifted me a one foot tall panchaloha idol of Ashtadasa Bhuja Maha Lakshmi (Narayani with 9x2=18 hands).
* * *
There are no classical references, to my knowledge, on the mapping between the the nine planets and the nine forms of Narayani described in Saptashati, who fought with demons. But obviously there must be a link. Here is my first shot at it:
Brahmaani: Jupiter
Maaheswari: Moon
Kaumaari: Mars
Vaishnavi: Mercury
Vaaraahi: Rahu
Naarasimhi: Ketu
Aindri: Sun
Sivadooti: Venus
Chaamundaa/Kaali: Saturn
May the light of Brahman shine within,
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sanskrit and Pramod Mahajan

From: Sanjay Rath
Date: May 9, 2006 7:50 AM
Subject: RE: [sohamsa] Sanskrit and Pramod Mahajan

| om gurave namah |
Dear Narasimha, Lakshmi

Excellent points about 'Saamba' and the point is well accepted now. The question I was raising was not about the sanskrit part, which is definitely not disputed - Sarbani also has given a fine opinion to me the other day. The point I was hoping would bediscussed slightly more was the concept of Advaita. What is this philosophy and what is the relevance of 'saamba' to this? Hoping to hear some great thoughts from all of you.

In the Gemini Lagna for Pramod bhai,

| |Ra | |As |
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| | |Md Gk |
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|-----------| Rasi |-----------|
|HL | |Sa |
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|Ju GL |Ma |Su Ke |Mo Me |
| | | |Ve AL |
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| | |Ju |HL GL |
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|Su Ve | | Mo Sa |
|Md | |Ra |
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| | Navamsa | |
|-----------| |-----------|
|Ke | D-9 | |
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|As |Ma Gk |AL |Me |
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Mahajan, Pramod
Date: October 30, 1948
Time: 9:21:00 pm
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 78 E 28' 00", 17 N 23' 00"
Hyderabad, India
Lunar Yr-Mo: Sarva-dhari - Aswayuja
Tithi: Krishna Chaturdasi (Ve) (79.25% left)
Vedic Weekday: Saturday (Sa)
Nakshatra: Hastha (Mo) (6.31% left)
Yoga: Vishkambha (Sa) (51.29% left)
Karana: Vishti (Sa) (58.50% left)

1. Method of 3 lords gives Madhya Ayus as Saturn is ill placed from both lagna and arudha while Mercury & Jupiter are strong. There is no kakshya hrasa or vriddhi in this as although Mercury could have given kakshya hrasa, it has the conjunction of the chaturdasi (shiva) dosha.
2. Method of 3 pairs is as follows:
a. lagna + HL = alpa ayus
b. lagna lord + 8th lord = long life
c. Moon + Saturn = long life . Note that the Moon has serious Chaturdasi dosha i.e. both Moon & Venus become very very malefic and at the vital time Jupiter can turn his face away. This is a grave dosha that can harm longevity just like amavasya dosha that can completely destroy fortune and longevity.
Prima facie we get long life in the short group structure even if we are going to ignore the Moon.
Long group structure is 40, 80 & 120.................... 10 year/sign
Middle group structure is 36, 72 and 108 .............9 year/sign
Short group structure is 32, 64 and 96...................8 year/sign
3. Method of the three Moons = Middle life - very specifically danger is expected in Sat/Rahu period (see the navamsa with the Moon, longevity indicator in the 8th house afflicted by Saturn and Rahu.
In my written predictions to him, this dangerous period was clearly indicated. However, I failed to see that it would be murder by his own brother! I always thought it would be a breach of security as Mars also indicates security people and Rahu indicates dangerous criminals.
4. If you look at the panchanga, the pointers are also very clear. The nakshatra lord Moon is in Chaturdasi dosha and this can be dangerous for longevity. The vaara lord Saturn is badly placed for long life indications being in 12th from AL and 3rd from lagna.
5. When people said that he would have problems with seniors, I told him that during Saturn dasa his Rajyoga would not be disturbed as the elders like Vajpayeeji and Advaniji will like him very much - Saturn is the lord of Vishakumbha yoga. Similarly when he was very worried after the 13 day govt, I had guaranteed him the return of BJP due to the fact that Saturn is also the lord of the Karana. So Saturn dasa was his great Rajyoga period.
6. Now coming to Shula dasa - yes the dasa was of Gemini and you always underestimate the power of the Rudra yoga caused by Venus + Moon or Mars + Moon. So we should never undrestimate the power of the Rudra yoga. The protectors Jupiter and AK Mercury also aspect the lagna and can protect. So, in this battle between Mercury & Jupiter on one side protecting him and Moon and Venus on the other destroying him, Jupiter turns away due to chaturdasi dosha (shiva dosha) ad Mercury alone cannot battle a debilitated Venus conjunction and the direct contact of the K14 Moon. The question is when will Jupiter turn away?
However, I agree with you that making a death prediction would be very very difficult unless after the attack event as the forces are very delicately and equally balanced.
Shoola dasa (troubles and death):
Ge MD: 2002-10-31 - 2011-11-01
Antardasas in this MD:
Sg: 2002-10-31 - 2003-07-31 Cp: 2003-07-31 - 2004-04-28 Aq: 2004-04-28 - 2005-01-27 Pi: 2005-01-27 - 2005-10-31 Ta: 2006-07-31 - 2007-04-28 Ge: 2007-04-28 - 2008-01-28 Cn: 2008-01-28 - 2008-10-31 Le: 2008-10-31 - 2009-07-31 Vi: 2009-07-31 - 2010-04-28 Li: 2010-04-28 - 2011-01-28 Sc: 2011-01-28 - 2011-11-01

Ar: 2005-10-31 - 2006-07-31

The only time that Jupiter would turn away would be the antardasa of Rahu/Aries, and it is then that the evil struck.

Best wishes and warm regards,Sanjay Rath

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