|| Om Gurave Namah ||
Dear Friends,
The Nakshatra's represent the power of Shakti. Thru Shakti's power everything gets created. Even The Signs in Zodiac are created thru Nakshatras. Many stars in the sky can be formed into pictures. Like Scorpion type of formation is formed connecting stars in Scorpio etc. This can be quite prominently seen on the sky. But the quesion is why only can you form only Scorpio, Leo, etc out of those stars?. Can you group the stars in other ways?.
Yes, There is also subtler forms created by these nakshatras (group of stars), Which is not directly visible on the sky by connecting the dots(stars). Like you can arrange a group of Nakshtra's to form a Tortoise and it's called Kurma (Turtle) Chakra. When you form a 8 spokes out of the nakshtras;s It's called Kaala Chakra. Potentially there can be infinite number of such chakra you can draw. Most important ones are divined by the Rishi's for our usage.
One such arrangement called Sarvotobhadra Chakra. Where 28 Nakshatras are grouped in a 8x8 square with 7 nakshtras in each side. Click on the below image for a bigger picture.

This is a very important form of Chakra which includes all the Five Elements of Time, Called Panchanga. The five elements are listed as below,
- Nakshatra: Airy/Vaayu Element, The 28 nakshatras are placed from Krittika onwards in groups of 7.
- Yoga: Ether/Akaash Element, The Yoga is defined as Sun+Moon+Pushy Degree. Pushya is ruled by Brihaspati, The Guru of Devas. He represents the mantras and sound elements. Each Nakshatra is given a sound element. The "ha" sound goes to Pushya and "da" sound goes to Ashlesha, Hence The sound chakra is called Hodaa Chakra and to represent ether element these sounds are placed adjacent to each nakshtra. The vowels are placed in diagonals. The Center is full of Ether and one can imagine "OM" in the center, which radiates to become all sounds.
- Vaara: Fire Element, Represented by the Weekdays are also place around the center. The weekdays are again grouped into five elements, Sun and Mars is taken as fire element, Moon and Venus is taken as Water (Jala) element.
- Tithi: Water element of Panchanga, The Tithi is grouped in Five, and kept besides the Vaara (Weekday). They form Amrita Yoga (The specific combination of Weekday element + Tithi Element). Nanda tithi on Sunday/Tuesday etc is called Amrita yoga or Eternal. Thus signify auspicious nature in Sarvatobhadra center.
- Karana: Karana is the Earth(Pritvi) element in Panchanga. It signifies actions. It's actually half of Tithi to signify actions coming from Desire (Tithi/Water), But in horoscopes actions are performed on Signs and Houses. Hence the 12th houses are placed around the Center.
Now, The transits or Natal position of Grahas is placed on Nakshtras. Horizontal and diagonal lines are drawn to note the effects. These lines are called Vedhas.
Since this Sarvatobhadra is Lunar tool, The grahas are divided in Saumya/Soft (Moon,Jupiter, Venus, Mercury) and Kroora/Crude/Cruel (Sun, Mars, Saturn and nodes). The moons gets troubled by Cruel grahas and feels soft from soft grahas.
The Vedha by Cruel Graha gives mental turmoil and by soft graha gives mental pleasures. Note Special Nakshatras like Janma (1st from moon), Karma (10th from Moon) etc to note effects on mind , profession etc. Note vedha on akshara(phonemes) to see what mantra is getting influenced in mind Or your first phoneme of name. Note vedha on say 9th sign from you Lagna to note how the society(Moon) is influencing you actions in dharma etc.
This being just an introduction, Further readings can be done from Phaladeepika, Jataka Paarijaata and such classics.
Warm Regards
Sanjay P
| | | Saturn/ | Moon/ | | | Sun/ Venus/ | | Ketu/ Mercury/ | | | |
| | EAST | | |
| NORTH | अ/a | Krithika | Rohini | Mrigashirisa | Ardra | Punarvasu | Pusya | Aslesha | आ/ā | SOUTH | |
| Bharani | उ/u | अ/a | व/va | क/ka | ह/ha | ड/ḍa | ऊ/ū | Makha | |
| Aswini | ल/la | ऌ/ḷ | Vrishab | Mithun | Kark | ऌ/ḷi | म/ma | Poorva phalguni | Asc/ |
| Revati | च/ca | Mesh | ओ/o | Nanda Sunday Tuesday | औ/au | Simha | ट/ṭa | Uttara phalguni | |
| Uttara bhadrapada | द/da | Meena | Rikta Friday | Poorna Saturday | Bhadra Monday Wednesday | Kanya | प/pa | Hasta | |
| Poorva bhadrapada | स/sa | Kumbh | अः/aḥ | Jaya Thursday | अं/aṁ | Tula | र/ra | Chitra | |
| Satabhisak | ग/ga | ऐ/ai | Makar | Dhanus | Vrischik | ए/e | त/ta | Swati | |
Mars/ | Dhanista | ऋ/ṛi | ख/kha | ज/ja | भ/bha | य/ya | न/na | ऋ/ṛ | Visakha | Jupiter/ |
| ई/ī | Sravana | Abhijit | Uttar Ashada | Poorva Ashada | Moola | Jyestha | Anuradha | इ/i | |
| | WEST | | | |
| | | Rahu/ | | | | | | | | | |
Given above is placement of Grahas in Sarvotobhadra at my birth as an example.