Agni Mantra

Agni Mantra

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Bangladesh:Sheikh Hasina Leaving Bangla

 Jaya Jagannatha,

Panchanga and Chart for

 Name: Shaikh Hasina Leaving Bangla
 DateTime dd/mm/yyyy: 5/8/2024 13:30:00
 Timezone: 6
 Latitude, Longitude: 23.713200,90.399600

Ra15.17  Ma16.32, Ju20.95  
SaR24.17 Moon-Monday,Ashlesha-Me,Shukla Prathamai 1-Su,Bhava-Su,Varigha-वरीयस्-(Ju)Su19.18, Mo28.79 
 MeR9.90, Ve6.06 
 Lg - 5.93  Ke15.17 

Chart is made as per news 
"Other accounts say she was taken by helicopter to an airport in Dhaka, then by plane to Delhi.

Whichever route they took, at about 13:30 local time, Ms Hasina, her sister and a senior Awami League MP, Salman Fazlur Rahman, were transferred from the helicopter to the aircraft that took them to Delhi, officials said."-

Important Observations in the chart

  • Moon is Ashlesha - Magha Gandanta. She probable just boarded before the gandanta and landed in India after Gandanta. Gandanta moon can give good results after due remedy is done. In this case to Ashlesha Lord Sarpa/Snakes. The forces of Snakes, Individual extreme desires fighting again Magha, The Pitris (forefather).
  •  Lagna indicates the person travelling, 7th house is the destination, Here Lagna lord mars going to 7th with Jupiter, Mars is LL hence indicates the protection from military and Jupiter in 7th indicates the protection it provided.
  • Lagna is aspected by Retro Saturn and Rahu and Mars (with protective Jupiter) indicates the severe crisis under which she left the country.
  • Kendras having benefics Venus and merc in 10th , mercury is retrograde, indicating the money power involved. Mercury being 8th lord is major reason for the regime change. 
  • Saturn Retro in 4th , is the place she is leaving from,
  • Both Saturn and Merc in 4-10 axis is retro, showing the tremendous energy , It will be interesting to note when the those planets become normal. Also whenever these two will become retro again, there will be sever change in Bangalesh.

Will revisit this chart again later...

1 comment:

sanjayp said...

not the dasa at the of event is merc.sat.venus in 4 10 axis showing turmoil