Agni Mantra

Agni Mantra

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Serious illness remedy

From: [] On Behalf Of Manoj Sharma
Sent: 10 October 2008 19:25
Subject: [sohamsa] Re: Please pray for my dad

Dear list members,
My dad is very critical in ICU and he is on life support system. If you could pray for my dad's recovery, it would be helpful. I have already organized 1.25 lakh japas of Maha Mrityunjay Mantra. Seven to eight pandits will bestarting the japas shortly in Pune.
May God give me strength to face this tough time.

From: Sanjay Rath <>
Date: 2008/10/11
Subject: RE: [sohamsa] Re: Please pray for my dad

Dear Manoj

Do This –

Draw your fathers chart on a piece of white paper and starting with center, then Aries, Taurus ...till Pisces (use south or east Indian chart as north Indian does not have a central space for the devas brahma sthana)

Touch center say OM


Touch Aries say haM

Taurus ...haaM

Gemini ...hiM

Cancer ...hiiiM

Leo ...huM

Virgo ...huuuM

Libra ..heM

Scorpio ...haiM

Sagittarius ...hoM

Capricorn ...hauM

Aquarius ...haM

Pisces ...haH

Then touch the picture of Lord Shiva (or shiva lingam) if you have one and say

haMsaH amritavarchase svaahaa
हंसः अमृतवर्चसे स्वाहा
haṁsaḥ amṛtavarcase svāhā

Then pour a drop of water at the center of chart

Then recite the mantra *om jum sah vaaaM veda-vyaasaaya namaH sah joom OM' ...1008 times
॥ ॐ जुं सः वां वेदव्यासाय नमः सः जुं ॐ॥
|| om juṁ saḥ vāṁ vedavyāsāya namaḥ saḥ juṁ om ||

In fact just keep recting till you feel the calmness of the Rishi Vedavyasa who is an amsa avatara of Shiva sitting on blue lotus

You father should start to recover after that ..if not already

Keep us posted and may he get well soon



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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Narayana Kavaca

|| Om Gurave Namah ||
Dear Jyotishas,
When the Graha Gocara (Transits) are afflicting the natal chart then Narayana Kavaca (Narayana Shield) is one of the best remedies. This Kavacam can be recited in morning just after bath. Select a clean spot in your house and seat yourself comfortably preferably in Sukha Asana or Padma Asana. Recite the mantra mentioned while doing the ritual mentioned in brackets below in ITRANS and Devanagari.

Warm Regards
Sanjay P

Narayana Kavacham

[holding water in right palm]
om apavitrah pavitro va sarvavastham gato 'pi va |
yah smaret pundarikaksam sa bahyabhyantarah sucih ||

sri-visnu sri-visnu sri-visnu.[Sipping water thrice]

[Take seat]

(Srishti Nyasa)
1 [touching feet] "Om AUM Padayoh Namah".
2 [touching knees]"Om Nam Janunoh Namah";
3 [touching thighs]�Om Mam Urvoh Namah�;
4 [touching abdomen]�Om Nam Udare Namah�;
5 [touching heart]�Om Ram Hridayayai Namah�;
6 [touching chest]�Om Yam Urase Namah�;
7 [touching mouth]�Om Nam Mukhaye Namah� and,
8 [touching head] �Om Yam Sirase Namah�.
1 [touching head]�Om Yam Sirase Namah�.
2 [touching mouth]�Om Nam Mukhaye Namah�
3 [touching chest]�Om Yam Urase Namah�;
4 [touching heart]�Om Ram Hridayayai Namah�;
5 [touching abdomen]�Om Nam Udare Namah�;
6 [touching thighs]�Om Mam Urvoh Namah�;
7 [touching knees]�Om Nam Janunoh Namah�, and
8 [touching feet]�Om AUM Padayoh Namah�.

(Kara Nyasa)
1 [touching rt thumb finger] �Om AUM Angustha -bhyam Namah�.
2 [touching rt index finger]�Om Nam Tarjani -bhyam Namah�.
3 [touching rt middle finger] �Om Mam Madhyama-bhyam Namah�.
4 [touching rt ring finger] �Om Bham Anamika-bhyam Namah�.
5 [touching rt little finger] �Om Gam Kanishtika bhyam Namah�.
6 [touching rt palm] �Om Vam Kara-tala-kara-prishta-bhyam Namah�.

7 [touching lt palm ]�Om Tem Kara-tala-kara-prishta-bhyam Namah�.
8 [touching lt little finger] �Om Vam Kanishtika bhyam Namah�.
9 [touching lt ring finger] �Om Sum Anamika-bhyam Namah�.
10 [touching lt middle finger] �Om Dem Madhyama-bhyam Namah�.
11 [touching lt index finger]�Om Vam Tarjani-bhyam Namah�.
12 [touching lt thumb finger] �Om Yam Angustha -bhyam Namah�.

(Anga Nyasa)
[touch the body part in bracket]
1 [heart] �Om Hridayayai Namah�;
2 [top of the head] �Vim Sirase Swaha�;
3 [center of eyebrows]�Sam Bhru-madhyaye Swaha�;
4 [whorl of the head]�Nam Sikhayayai Vasat�;
5 [third eye]�Vem Netratrayaya Vaushat�;
6 [Concentrate on all joints]�Nam Kavachaya Hum�;
7 [mind in all directions] �Mah astraya Phat� [North and in the clockwise direction i.e. NE etc ]

(Japa & Meditation)

{.. naaraayaNa kavachaM .. from para 12)

OM harirvidadhyaanmama sarvarakshhaaM nyastaaN^ghripadmaH patagendrapR^ishhThe .
daraaricharmaasigadeshhuchaapa paashaandadhaano.ashhTaguNo.ashhTabaahuH .. 12..

jaleshhu maaM rakshhatu matsyamuurtiryaadogaNebhyo varuNasya paashaat.h .
sthaleshhu maayaavaTuvaamano.avyaat trivikramaH khe.avatu vishvaruupaH .. 13..

durgeshhvaTavyaajimukhaadishhu prabhuH paayaannR^isi.nho.asurayuuthapaariH .
vimuJNchato yasya mahaaTTahaasaM disho vinedurnyapataMshcha garbhaaH .. 14..

rakshhatvasau maadhvani yaGYakalpaH svadaMshhTrayonniitadharo varaahaH .
raamo.adrikuuTeshhvatha vipravaase salakshhmaNo.avyaadbharataagrajo.asmaan .. 15..

maamugradharmaadakhilaatpramaadaannaaraayaNaH paatu narashcha haasaat.h .
dattastvayogaadatha yoganaathaH paayaadguNeshaH kapilaH karmabandhaat.h .. 16..

sanatkumaaro.avatu kaamadevaaddhayashiirshhaa maaM pathi devahelanaat.h .
devarshhivaryaH purushhaarchanaantaraat kuurmo harirmaaM nirayaadasheshhaat .. 17..

dhanvantarirbhagavaanpaatvapathyaaddvandvaadbhayaadR^ishhabho nirjitaatmaa .
yaGYashcha lokaadavataaJNjanaantaadbalo gaNaatkrodhavashaadahiindraH .. 18..

dvaipaayano bhagavaanaprabodhaadbuddhastu paakhaNDagaNapramaadaat.h .
kalkiH kaleH kaalamalaatprapaatu dharmaavanaayorukR^itaavataaraH .. 19..

maaM keshavo gadayaa praataravyaadgovinda aasaN^gavamaattaveNuH .
naaraayaNaH praahNa udaattashaktirmadhyandine vishhNurariindrapaaNiH .. 20..

devo.aparaahNe madhuhogradhanvaa saayaM tridhaamaavatu maadhavo maam.h .
doshhe hR^ishhiikesha utaardharaatre nishiitha eko.avatu padmanaabhaH .. 21..

shriivatsadhaamaapararaatra iishaH pratyushha iisho.asidharo janaardanaH .
daamodaro.avyaadanusandhyaM prabhaate vishveshvaro bhagavaan kaalamuurtiH .. 22..

chakra.n yugaantaanalatigmanemi bhramatsamantaadbhagavatprayuktam.h .
dandagdhi dandagdhyarisainyamaashu kakshhaM yathaa vaatasakho hutaashaH .. 23..

gade.ashanisparshanavisphuliN^ge nishhpiNDhi nishhpiNDhyajitapriyaasi .
kuushhmaaNDavainaayakayakshharakshhobhuutagrahaa.nshchuurNaya chuurNayaariin.h .. 24..

tvaM yaatudhaanapramathapretamaatR^ipishaachavipragrahaghoradR^ishhTiin.h .
darendra vidraavaya kR^ishhNapuurito bhiimasvano.arehR^i.rdayaani kampayan.h .. 25..

tvaM tigmadhaaraasivaraarisainyamiishaprayukto mama chhindhi chhindhi .
chakshhuu.nshhi charmaJNchhatachandra chhaadaya dvishhaamaghonaa.n hara paapachakshhushhaam.h .. 26..

yanno bhaya.n grahebhyo.abhuutketubhyo nR^ibhya eva cha .
sariisR^ipebhyo daMshhTribhyo bhuutebhyoM.ahobhya vaa .. 27 ..

sarvaaNyetaani bhagavannaamaruupaastrakiirtanaat.h .
prayaantu sa.nkshhaya.n sadyo ye naH shreyaHpratiipakaaH .. 28..

garuDo bhagavaan stotrastobhashchhandomayaH prabhuH .
rakshhatvasheshhakR^ichchhrebhyo vishhvaksenaH svanaamabhiH .. 29 ..

sarvaapadbhyo harernaamaruupayaanaayudhaani naH .
buddhiindriyamanaHpraaNaanpaantu paarshhadabhuushhaNaaH .. 30..

yathaa hi bhagavaaneva vastutaH sadasachcha yat.h .
satyenaanena naH sarve yaantu naashamupadravaaH .. 31..

yathaikaatmyaanubhaavaanaaM vikalparahitaH svayam.h .
bhuushhaNaayudhaliN^gaakhyaa dhatte shaktiiH svamaayayaa .. 32..

tenaiva satyamaanena sarvaGYo bhagavaan.h hariH .
paatu sarvaiH svaruupairnaH sadaa sarvatra sarvagaH .. 33..

vidikshhu dikshhuurdhvamadhaH samantaadantarbahirbhagavaannaarasi.nhaH .
prahaapaya.n.clokabhayaM svanena svatejasaa grastasamastatejaaH .. 34..

maghavannidamaakhyaata.n varma naaraayaNaatmakam.h .
vijeshhyasyaJNjasaa yena daMshito.asurayuuthapaan.h .. 35..

etaddhaarayamaaNastu yaM yaM pashyati chakshhushhaa .
padaa vaa saMspR^ishetsadyaH saadhvasaatsa vimuchyate .. 36..

na kutashchidbhaya.n tasya vidyaa.n dhaarayato bhavet.h .
raajadasyugrahaadibhyo vyaaghraadibhyashcha karhichit.h .. 37..

imaa.n vidyaaM puraa kashchitkaushiko dhaarayan dvijaH .
yogadhaaraNayaa svaaN^ga.n jahau sa marudhanvani .. 38..

tasyopari vimaanena gandharvapatirekadaa .
yayau chitrarathaH striibhirvR^ito yatra dvijakshhayaH || 39 ||

gaganaannyapatatsadyaH savimaano hyavaakshiraaH .
sa vaalakhilyavachanaadasthiinyaadaaya vismitaH .
praasya praachiisarasvatyaa.n snaatvaa dhaama svamanvagaat.h .. 40..

shriishuka uvaacha .
ya idaM shR^iNuyaatkaale yo dhaarayati chaadR^itaH .
ta.n namasyanti bhuutaani muchyate sarvato bhayaat.h .. 41..

etaa.n vidyaamadhigato vishvaruupaachchhatakratuH .
trailokyalakshhmiiM bubhuje vinirjitya mR^idhe.asuraan .. 42..

.. iti shriimadbhaagavatamahaapuraaNe paaramaha.nsyaa.n sa.nhitaayaa.n
shhashhThaskandhe naaraayaNavarmakathana.n naamaashhTamo.adhyaayaH ..

---------------------------------Roman ----------------------------------------

|| nārāyaṇa kavacaṁ || from para 12)

om harirvidadhyānmama sarvarakṣāṁ nyastāṅghripadmaḥ patagendrapṛṣṭhe |
darāricarmāsigadeṣucāpa pāśāndadhāno'ṣṭaguṇo'ṣṭabāhuḥ || 12||

jaleṣu māṁ rakṣatu matsyamūrtiryādogaṇebhyo varuṇasya pāśāt |
sthaleṣu māyāvaṭuvāmano'vyāt trivikramaḥ khe'vatu viśvarūpaḥ || 13||

durgeṣvaṭavyājimukhādiṣu prabhuḥ pāyānnṛsiṁho'surayūthapāriḥ |
vimuñcato yasya mahāṭṭahāsaṁ diśo vinedurnyapataṁśca garbhāḥ || 14||

rakṣatvasau mādhvani yajñakalpaḥ svadaṁṣṭrayonnītadharo varāhaḥ |
rāmo'drikūṭeṣvatha vipravāse salakṣmaṇo'vyādbharatāgrajo'smān || 15||

māmugradharmādakhilātpramādānnārāyaṇaḥ pātu naraśca hāsāt |
dattastvayogādatha yoganāthaḥ pāyādguṇeśaḥ kapilaḥ karmabandhāt || 16||

sanatkumāro'vatu kāmadevāddhayaśīrṣā māṁ pathi devahelanāt |
devarṣivaryaḥ puruṣārcanāntarāt kūrmo harirmāṁ nirayādaśeṣāt || 17||

dhanvantarirbhagavānpātvapathyāddvandvādbhayādṛṣabho nirjitātmā |
yajñaśca lokādavatāñjanāntādbalo gaṇātkrodhavaśādahīndraḥ || 18||

dvaipāyano bhagavānaprabodhādbuddhastu pākhaṇḍagaṇapramādāt |
kalkiḥ kaleḥ kālamalātprapātu dharmāvanāyorukṛtāvatāraḥ || 19||

māṁ keśavo gadayā prātaravyādgovinda āsaṅgavamāttaveṇuḥ |
nārāyaṇaḥ prāhṇa udāttaśaktirmadhyandine viṣṇurarīndrapāṇiḥ || 20||

devo'parāhṇe madhuhogradhanvā sāyaṁ tridhāmāvatu mādhavo mām |
doṣe hṛṣīkeśa utārdharātre niśītha eko'vatu padmanābhaḥ || 21||

śrīvatsadhāmāpararātra īśaḥ pratyuṣa īśo'sidharo janārdanaḥ |
dāmodaro'vyādanusandhyaṁ prabhāte viśveśvaro bhagavān kālamūrtiḥ || 22||

cakraṁ yugāntānalatigmanemi bhramatsamantādbhagavatprayuktam |
dandagdhi dandagdhyarisainyamāśu kakṣaṁ yathā vātasakho hutāśaḥ || 23||

gade'śanisparśanavisphuliṅge niṣpiṇḍhi niṣpiṇḍhyajitapriyāsi |
kūṣmāṇḍavaināyakayakṣarakṣobhūtagrahāṁścūrṇaya cūrṇayārīn || 24||

tvaṁ yātudhānapramathapretamātṛpiśācavipragrahaghoradṛṣṭīn |
darendra vidrāvaya kṛṣṇapūrito bhīmasvano'rehṛ|rdayāni kampayan || 25||

tvaṁ tigmadhārāsivarārisainyamīśaprayukto mama chindhi chindhi |
cakṣūṁṣi carmañchatacandra chādaya dviṣāmaghonāṁ hara pāpacakṣuṣām || 26||

yanno bhayaṁ grahebhyo'bhūtketubhyo nṛbhya eva ca |
sarīsṛpebhyo daṁṣṭribhyo bhūtebhyoṁ'hobhya vā || 27 ||

sarvāṇyetāni bhagavannāmarūpāstrakīrtanāt |
prayāntu saṁkṣayaṁ sadyo ye naḥ śreyaḥpratīpakāḥ || 28||

garuḍo bhagavān stotrastobhaśchandomayaḥ prabhuḥ |
rakṣatvaśeṣakṛcchrebhyo viṣvaksenaḥ svanāmabhiḥ || 29 ||

sarvāpadbhyo harernāmarūpayānāyudhāni naḥ |
buddhīndriyamanaḥprāṇānpāntu pārṣadabhūṣaṇāḥ || 30||

yathā hi bhagavāneva vastutaḥ sadasacca yat |
satyenānena naḥ sarve yāntu nāśamupadravāḥ || 31||

yathaikātmyānubhāvānāṁ vikalparahitaḥ svayam |
bhūṣaṇāyudhaliṅgākhyā dhatte śaktīḥ svamāyayā || 32||

tenaiva satyamānena sarvajño bhagavān hariḥ |
pātu sarvaiḥ svarūpairnaḥ sadā sarvatra sarvagaḥ || 33||

vidikṣu dikṣūrdhvamadhaḥ samantādantarbahirbhagavānnārasiṁhaḥ |
prahāpayaṁlokabhayaṁ svanena svatejasā grastasamastatejāḥ || 34||

maghavannidamākhyātaṁ varma nārāyaṇātmakam |
vijeṣyasyañjasā yena daṁśito'surayūthapān || 35||

etaddhārayamāṇastu yaṁ yaṁ paśyati cakṣuṣā |
padā vā saṁspṛśetsadyaḥ sādhvasātsa vimucyate || 36||

na kutaścidbhayaṁ tasya vidyāṁ dhārayato bhavet |
rājadasyugrahādibhyo vyāghrādibhyaśca karhicit || 37||

imāṁ vidyāṁ purā kaścitkauśiko dhārayan dvijaḥ |
yogadhāraṇayā svāṅgaṁ jahau sa marudhanvani || 38||

tasyopari vimānena gandharvapatirekadā |
yayau citrarathaḥ strībhirvṛto yatra dvijakṣayaḥ || 39 ||

gaganānnyapatatsadyaḥ savimāno hyavākśirāḥ |
sa vālakhilyavacanādasthīnyādāya vismitaḥ |
prāsya prācīsarasvatyāṁ snātvā dhāma svamanvagāt || 40||

śrīśuka uvāca |
ya idaṁ śṛṇuyātkāle yo dhārayati cādṛtaḥ |
taṁ namasyanti bhūtāni mucyate sarvato bhayāt || 41||

etāṁ vidyāmadhigato viśvarūpācchatakratuḥ |
trailokyalakṣmīṁ bubhuje vinirjitya mṛdhe'surān || 42||

|| iti śrīmadbhāgavatamahāpurāṇe pāramahaṁsyāṁ saṁhitāyāṁ
ṣaṣṭhaskandhe nārāyaṇavarmakathanaṁ nāmāṣṭamo'dhyāyaḥ ||

---------------------------------Devanagri ----------------------------------------

{.. नारायण कवचं .. from para 12)
ॐ हरिर्विदध्यान्मम सर्वरक्षां न्यस्ताङ्घ्रिपद्मः पतगॆन्द्रपृष्ठॆ .
दरारिचर्मासिगदॆषुचाप पाशान्दधानॊऽष्टगुणॊऽष्टबाहुः .. १२..

जलॆषु मां रक्षतु मत्स्यमूर्तिर्यादॊगणॆभ्यॊ वरुणस्य पाशात्‌ .
स्थलॆषु मायावटुवामनॊऽव्यात् त्रिविक्रमः खॆऽवतु विश्वरूपः .. १३..

दुर्गॆष्वटव्याजिमुखादिषु प्रभुः पायान्नृसिंहॊऽसुरयूथपारिः .
विमुञ्चतॊ यस्य महाट्टहासं दिशॊ विनॆदुर्न्यपतंश्च गर्भाः .. १४..

रक्षत्वसौ माध्वनि यज्ञकल्पः स्वदंष्ट्रयॊन्नीतधरॊ वराहः .
रामॊऽद्रिकूटॆष्वथ विप्रवासॆ सलक्ष्मणॊऽव्याद्भरताग्रजॊऽस्मान् .. १५..

मामुग्रधर्मादखिलात्प्रमादान्नारायणः पातु नरश्च हासात्‌ .
दत्तस्त्वयॊगादथ यॊगनाथः पायाद्गुणॆशः कपिलः कर्मबन्धात्‌ .. १६..

सनत्कुमारॊऽवतु कामदॆवाद्धयशीर्षा मां पथि दॆवहॆलनात्‌ .
दॆवर्षिवर्यः पुरुषार्चनान्तरात् कूर्मॊ हरिर्मां निरयादशॆषात् .. १७..

धन्वन्तरिर्भगवान्पात्वपथ्याद्द्वन्द्वाद्भयादृषभॊ निर्जितात्मा .
यज्ञश्च लॊकादवताञ्जनान्ताद्बलॊ गणात्क्रॊधवशादहीन्द्रः .. १८..

द्वैपायनॊ भगवानप्रबॊधाद्बुद्धस्तु पाखण्डगणप्रमादात्‌ .
कल्किः कलॆः कालमलात्प्रपातु धर्मावनायॊरुकृतावतारः .. १९..

मां कॆशवॊ गदया प्रातरव्याद्गॊविन्द आसङ्गवमात्तवॆणुः .
नारायणः प्राह्ण उदात्तशक्तिर्मध्यन्दिनॆ विष्णुररीन्द्रपाणिः .. २०..

दॆवॊऽपराह्णॆ मधुहॊग्रधन्वा सायं त्रिधामावतु माधवॊ माम्‌ .
दॊषॆ हृषीकॆश उतार्धरात्रॆ निशीथ ऎकॊऽवतु पद्मनाभः .. २१..

श्रीवत्सधामापररात्र ईशः प्रत्युष ईशॊऽसिधरॊ जनार्दनः .
दामॊदरॊऽव्यादनुसन्ध्यं प्रभातॆ विश्वॆश्वरॊ भगवान् कालमूर्तिः .. २२..

चक्रं युगान्तानलतिग्मनॆमि भ्रमत्समन्ताद्भगवत्प्रयुक्तम्‌ .
दन्दग्धि दन्दग्ध्यरिसैन्यमाशु कक्षं यथा वातसखॊ हुताशः .. २३..

गदॆऽशनिस्पर्शनविस्फुलिङ्गॆ निष्पिण्ढि निष्पिण्ढ्यजितप्रियासि .
कूष्माण्डवैनायकयक्षरक्षॊभूतग्रहांश्चूर्णय चूर्णयारीन्‌ .. २४..

त्वं यातुधानप्रमथप्रॆतमातृपिशाचविप्रग्रहघॊरदृष्टीन्‌ .
दरॆन्द्र विद्रावय कृष्णपूरितॊ भीमस्वनॊऽरॆहृ.र्दयानि कम्पयन्‌ .. २५..

त्वं तिग्मधारासिवरारिसैन्यमीशप्रयुक्तॊ मम छिन्धि छिन्धि .
चक्षूंषि चर्मञ्छतचन्द्र छादय द्विषामघॊनां हर पापचक्षुषाम्‌ .. २६..

यन्नॊ भयं ग्रहॆभ्यॊऽभूत्कॆतुभ्यॊ नृभ्य ऎव च .
सरीसृपॆभ्यॊ दंष्ट्रिभ्यॊ भूतॆभ्यॊंऽहॊभ्य वा .. २७ ..

सर्वाण्यॆतानि भगवन्नामरूपास्त्रकीर्तनात्‌ .
प्रयान्तु संक्षयं सद्यॊ यॆ नः श्रॆयःप्रतीपकाः .. २८..

गरुडॊ भगवान् स्तॊत्रस्तॊभश्छन्दॊमयः प्रभुः .
रक्षत्वशॆषकृच्छ्रॆभ्यॊ विष्वक्सॆनः स्वनामभिः .. २९ ..

सर्वापद्भ्यॊ हरॆर्नामरूपयानायुधानि नः .
बुद्धीन्द्रियमनःप्राणान्पान्तु पार्षदभूषणाः .. ३०..

यथा हि भगवानॆव वस्तुतः सदसच्च यत्‌ .
सत्यॆनानॆन नः सर्वॆ यान्तु नाशमुपद्रवाः .. ३१..

यथैकात्म्यानुभावानां विकल्परहितः स्वयम्‌ .
भूषणायुधलिङ्गाख्या धत्तॆ शक्तीः स्वमायया .. ३२..

तॆनैव सत्यमानॆन सर्वज्ञॊ भगवान्‌ हरिः .
पातु सर्वैः स्वरूपैर्नः सदा सर्वत्र सर्वगः .. ३३..

विदिक्षु दिक्षूर्ध्वमधः समन्तादन्तर्बहिर्भगवान्नारसिंहः .
प्रहापयंॅलॊकभयं स्वनॆन स्वतॆजसा ग्रस्तसमस्ततॆजाः .. ३४..

मघवन्निदमाख्यातं वर्म नारायणात्मकम्‌ .
विजॆष्यस्यञ्जसा यॆन दंशितॊऽसुरयूथपान्‌ .. ३५..

ऎतद्धारयमाणस्तु यं यं पश्यति चक्षुषा .
पदा वा संस्पृशॆत्सद्यः साध्वसात्स विमुच्यतॆ .. ३६..

न कुतश्चिद्भयं तस्य विद्यां धारयतॊ भवॆत्‌ .
राजदस्युग्रहादिभ्यॊ व्याघ्रादिभ्यश्च कर्हिचित्‌ .. ३७..

इमां विद्यां पुरा कश्चित्कौशिकॊ धारयन् द्विजः .
यॊगधारणया स्वाङ्गं जहौ स मरुधन्वनि .. ३८..

तस्यॊपरि विमानॆन गन्धर्वपतिरॆकदा .
ययौ चित्ररथः स्त्रीभिर्वृतॊ यत्र द्विजक्षयः || ३९ ||

गगनान्न्यपतत्सद्यः सविमानॊ ह्यवाक्शिराः .
स वालखिल्यवचनादस्थीन्यादाय विस्मितः .
प्रास्य प्राचीसरस्वत्यां स्नात्वा धाम स्वमन्वगात्‌ .. ४०..

श्रीशुक उवाच .
य इदं शृणुयात्कालॆ यॊ धारयति चादृतः .
तं नमस्यन्ति भूतानि मुच्यतॆ सर्वतॊ भयात्‌ .. ४१..

ऎतां विद्यामधिगतॊ विश्वरूपाच्छतक्रतुः .
त्रैलॊक्यलक्ष्मीं बुभुजॆ विनिर्जित्य मृधॆऽसुरान् .. ४२..

.. इति श्रीमद्भागवतमहापुराणॆ पारमहंस्यां संहितायां
षष्ठस्कन्धॆ नारायणवर्मकथनं नामाष्टमॊऽध्यायः ..

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Indian Tithi Pravesha for Sino-Indian_War

|| Om Gurave Namah ||
Dear Jyotishas,
I was just trying to analyze the Tithi pravesha for Sino-Indian war Oct 10 to Nov 21 of 1962. In this war India was defeated by China.
The Tithi pravesha charts is pasted below. The hora lord for the year is Moon.
Note the following, which clearly indicates a bad period for India.
1) Moon is 8th lord in exchange with 8th house and 7th house.
2) Moon is the only Graha in Kendra to Sagittarius Lagna.
3) Moon in Papakartari between Mars and Sun-Rahu combination.
4) The 2nd and 8th house from Moon and Lagna have malefics, forming Kemdruma Yoga. (Note the Navamsa 2nd and 8th house also has malefics)
5) All Kendra lords in Dustana. (Jupiter in 3rd in marakaaraka staana and mercury in 8th)
6) All Trikona lords in afflicted.

There is basically every possible affliction to the chart.

The whole war happened in Venus dasa, Venus is the 6th lord and on A6 and the Enemy was totally victorious by Sun dasa.
Sun is A6 lord and also dispositing the 6th lord (Assume A6 to be enemies lagna) The dasa of Lagna gives victory over enemies (Here for A6).

Additionally for those interested in Rudramsa, Venus is in debility in D11, in Maraka. See The parivartana between mercury and Venus.

Warm Regards,
Sanjay P

Dwadasa(Twelve) forms of Ganesha

|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Jyotishas,

The 12 forms of Ganesha are prescribed for good education and removal of all obstacles. The 12 forms are each for 12 rashis of zodiacs. These 12 Ganesha names are given by Narada Muni. You can read about it further from Pt. Sanjay Rath's websites at,

I was further reading about Mudgala Purana (, Mudgala Purana mentions about eight forms of Ganesha
  1. Vakratunda (Vakratuṇḍa) ("twisting trunk"), first in the series, represents the absolute as the aggregate of all bodies, an embodiment of the form of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Matsaryāsura (envy, jealousy). His mount (vāhana) is a lion.
  2. Ekadanta ("single tusk") represents the aggregate of all individual souls, an embodiment of the essential nature of Brahman. the purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Madāsura (arrogance, conceit). His mount is a mouse.
  3. Mahodara ("big belly") is a synthesis of both Vakratuṇḍa and Ekadanta. It is the absolute as it enters into the creative process. It is an embodiment of the wisdom of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Mohāsura (delusion, confusion). His mount is a mouse.
  4. Gajavaktra (or Gajānana) ("elephant face") is a counterpart to Mahodara. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Lobhāsura (greed). His mount is a mouse.
  5. Lambodara ("pendulous belly") is the first of four incarnations that correspond to the stage where the Purāṇic gods are created. Lambodara corresponds to Śakti, the pure power of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Krodhāsura (anger). His mount is a mouse.
  6. Vikata (Vikaṭa) ("unusual form", "misshapen") corresponds to Sūrya. He is an embodiment of the illuminating nature of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Kāmāsura (lust). His mount is a peacock.
  7. Vighnaraja (Vighnarāja) ("king of obstacles"), corresponds to Viṣṇu. He is an embodiment of the preserving nature of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Mamāsura (possessiveness). His mount is the celestial serpent Śeṣa.
  8. Dhumravarna (Dhūmravarṇa) ("grey color") corresponds to Śiva. He is an embodiment of the destructive nature of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Abhimanāsura (pride, attachment). His mount is a horse.
Ganesha Purana further mentions about four more forms,

These four are not the same as the eight incarnations of Ganesha that are described in the Mudgala Purana.

  • Mahotkata Vinayaka (Mahotkaţa Vināyaka), who has ten arms and a red complexion. Different sources list his mount (vāhana) as either an elephant or lion. He was born to Kashyapa (Kaśyapa) and Aditi in the Krita yuga. The name Kāśyapaḥ (descendant of Kaśyapa) for Ganesha refers to this incarnation.[13] This incarnation killed the demon brothers Narantaka (Narāntaka) and Devantaka (Devāntaka), as well as the demon Dhumraksha (Dhūṃrākşa).
  • Mayuresvara (Mayūreśvara), who has six arms and a white complexion. His mount is a peacock. He was born to Shiva and Parvati in the Treta yuga. He incarnates for the purpose of killing the demon Sindhu. At the end of this incarnation he gives his peacock mount to his younger brother Skanda, with whom the peacock mount is generally associated.
  • Gajanana (Gajānana), who has four arms and was born with a red complexion. He has a mouse as his mount. He is born to Shiva and Parvati in the Dvapara yuga. He incarnates for the purpose of killing the demon Sindura (Sindūra), who was so-named due to his reddish-pink complexion (see: Sindoor). It is during this incarnation that Ganesha gives the discourse known as the Ganesha Gita to King Varenya.
  • Dhumraketu (Dhūmraketu) is grey in colour, like ash or smoke (dhūmra). He has either two or four arms.[14] He has a blue horse as his mount. He will come to end the decline of the Kali yuga. During this incarnation he kills numerous demons. Grimes notes that there is a parallel between this incarnation of Ganesha and the tenth and final incarnation of Vishnu, where he will ride upon the white horse Kalki.[15]

This made me to map the above 8+4 names to the 12 forms given by Narada Muni,

Vakratunda MP1 Vakratunda (Vakratuṇḍa) ("twisting trunk"), first in the series, represents the absolute as the aggregate of all bodies, an embodiment of the form of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Matsaryāsura (envy, jealousy). His mount (vāhana) is a lion.
Ekdanta MP2 Ekadanta ("single tusk") represents the aggregate of all individual souls, an embodiment of the essential nature of Brahman. the purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Madāsura (arrogance, conceit). His mount is a mouse.
KrishnaPingaksha GP* Mahotkata Vinayaka (Mahotkaţa Vināyaka), who has ten arms and a red complexion. Different sources list his mount (vāhana) as either an elephant or lion. He was born to Kashyapa (Kaśyapa) and Aditi in the Krita yuga. The name Kāśyapaḥ (descendant of Kaśyapa) for Ganesha refers to this incarnation.[13] This incarnation killed the demon brothers Narantaka (Narāntaka) and Devantaka (Devāntaka), as well as the demon Dhumraksha (Dhūṃrākşa).
Gajavakra MP4 Gajavaktra (or Gajānana) ("elephant face") is a counterpart to Mahodara. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Lobhāsura (greed). His mount is a mouse.
lambodara MP5 Lambodara ("pendulous belly") is the first of four incarnations that correspond to the stage where the Purāṇic gods are created. Lambodara corresponds to Śakti, the pure power of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Krodhāsura (anger). His mount is a mouse.
Vikata MP6 Vikata (Vikaṭa) ("unusual form", "misshapen") corresponds to Sūrya. He is an embodiment of the illuminating nature of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Kāmāsura (lust). His mount is a peacock.
Vighnaraja MP7 Vighnaraja (Vighnarāja) ("king of obstacles"), corresponds to Viṣṇu. He is an embodiment of the preserving nature of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Mamāsura (possessiveness). His mount is the celestial serpent Śeṣa.
dhumravarna MP8 Dhumravarna (Dhūmravarṇa) ("grey color") corresponds to Śiva. He is an embodiment of the destructive nature of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Abhimanāsura (pride, attachment). His mount is a horse.
bala-chandra GP Mayuresvara (Mayūreśvara), who has six arms and a white complexion. His mount is a peacock. He was born to Shiva and Parvati in the Treta yuga. He incarnates for the purpose of killing the demon Sindhu. At the end of this incarnation he gives his peacock mount to his younger brother Skanda, with whom the peacock mount is generally associated.
vinayaka GP* Dhumraketu (Dhūmraketu) is grey in colour, like ash or smoke (dhūmra). He has either two or four arms.[14] He has a blue horse as his mount. He will come to end the decline of the Kali yuga. During this incarnation he kills numerous demons. Grimes notes that there is a parallel between this incarnation of Ganesha and the tenth and final incarnation of Vishnu, where he will ride upon the white horse Kalki.[15]
gajapati MP2* Mahodara ("big belly") is a synthesis of both Vakratuṇḍa and Ekadanta. It is the absolute as it enters into the creative process. It is an embodiment of the wisdom of Brahman. The purpose of this incarnation is to overcome the demon Mohāsura (delusion, confusion). His mount is a mouse.
gajanana GP Gajanana (Gajānana), who has four arms and was born with a red complexion. He has a mouse as his mount. He is born to Shiva and Parvati in the Dvapara yuga. He incarnates for the purpose of killing the demon Sindura (Sindūra), who was so-named due to his reddish-pink complexion (see: Sindoor). It is during this incarnation that Ganesha gives the discourse known as the Ganesha Gita to King Varenya.

Some of the mapping I am doubtful hence, I have put "*" make near the reference GP is Ganesha Purana and MP is Mudgala Purana.

Please feel free to give your opinions.

Warm Regards
Sanjay P

From :

श्रीगणेशाय नमः।
śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ |

नारद उवाच।
nārada uvāca |

प्रणम्य शिरसा देवं गौरीपुत्रं विनायकम्‌।
भक्‍तावासं स्मरेनित्यं आयुःकामार्थसिद्धये॥ १॥
praṇamya śirasā devaṁ gaurīputraṁ vināyakam |
bhaktāvāsaṁ smarenityaṁ āyuḥkāmārthasiddhaye || 1||

प्रथमं वक्रतुण्डं च एकदन्तं द्वितीयकम्‌।
तृतीयं कृष्णपिङ्गाक्शं गजवक्‍त्रं चतुर्थकम्‌॥ २॥
prathamaṁ vakratuṇḍaṁ ca ekadantaṁ dvitīyakam |
tṛtīyaṁ kṛṣṇapiṅgākśaṁ gajavaktraṁ caturthakam || 2||

लम्बोदरं पञ्‍चमं च षष्ठं विकटमेव च।
सप्‍तमं विघ्‍नराजेन्द्रं धूम्रवर्णं तथाष्टमम्‌॥ ३॥
lambodaraṁ pañcamaṁ ca ṣaṣṭhaṁ vikaṭameva ca |
saptamaṁ vighnarājendraṁ dhūmravarṇaṁ tathāṣṭamam || 3||

नवमं भालचन्द्रं च दशमं तु विनायकम्‌।
एकादशं गणपतिं द्वादशं तु गजाननम्‌॥ ४॥
navamaṁ bhālacandraṁ ca daśamaṁ tu vināyakam |
ekādaśaṁ gaṇapatiṁ dvādaśaṁ tu gajānanam || 4||

द्वादशैतानि नामानि त्रिसंध्यं यः पठेन्नरः।
न च विघ्‍नभयं तस्य सर्वसिद्धिकरः प्रभुः॥ ५॥
dvādaśaitāni nāmāni trisaṁdhyaṁ yaḥ paṭhennaraḥ |
na ca vighnabhayaṁ tasya sarvasiddhikaraḥ prabhuḥ || 5||

विद्यार्थी लभते विद्यां धनार्थी लभते धनम्‌।
पुत्रार्थी लभते पुत्रान्मोक्शार्थी लभते गतिम्‌॥ ६॥
vidyārthī labhate vidyāṁ dhanārthī labhate dhanam |
putrārthī labhate putrānmokśārthī labhate gatim || 6||

जपेद्गणपतिस्तोत्रं षड्‌भिर्मासैः फलं लभेत्‌।
संवत्सरेण सिद्धिं च लभते नात्र संशयः॥ ७॥
japedgaṇapatistotraṁ ṣaḍbhirmāsaiḥ phalaṁ labhet |
saṁvatsareṇa siddhiṁ ca labhate nātra saṁśayaḥ || 7||

अष्टेभ्यो ब्राह्मणेभ्यश्च लिखित्वा यः समर्पयेत्‌।
तस्य विद्या भवेत्सर्वा गणेशस्य प्रसादतः॥ ८॥
aṣṭebhyo brāhmaṇebhyaśca likhitvā yaḥ samarpayet |
tasya vidyā bhavetsarvā gaṇeśasya prasādataḥ || 8||

इति श्रीनारदपुराणे संकटनाशनं गणेशस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम्‌॥

iti śrīnāradapurāṇe saṁkaṭanāśanaṁ gaṇeśastotraṁ saṁpūrṇam||

Salutations to Lord Ganesha.

him continuously worship in his mind the son of Gauri, Vinaayaka
the refuge of his devotees, for attainment of longevity, desires and wealth

as the one with the twisted trunk;as the one with the single the one with dark brown eyes;as the one with the elephant's the one with the belly like a pot; as the grotesque the king of obstacles;as the smoke-colored the moon-crested one;as the remover of the lord of all,as the elephant-faced one.

repeats these twelve names at dawn, noon and sunset,
there is no fear of failure, nay, constant fortune.
He who desires wisdom, obtains wisdom; he who desires wealth, obtains wealth.
He who desires sons, obtains sons; he who desires liberation attains liberation.
Whoever chants this hymn to ganapati reaches him in six months,
and in one year he reaches perfection, there is no doubt about this.
Whoever makes copies of this and distributes them to eight Brahmana,
he reaches wisdom immediately, due to the grace of Ganesha.

Vedanga Jyotisham

|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Jyotishas,

I was just reading the Vedanga Jyotisham of Lagadha translated by Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra. I would recommend this book to any one interested in Vedanga Jyotish.The basics of Panchaga comes from Vedanga Jyotish.

Somakara is the one of earliest known commentator of Vedanga Jyotish, In more recent time another well known commentator is Balgangadar Lokmanya Tilak.

For those who are interested in reading/Researching on Vedanga Jyotish (of Lagadha), below are some good links,

There are two Vedanga Jyotish text available in Veda's, One in Rig Veda and another in Yajur Veda. Both are from Lagadha.

"There are in all 36 Verses in RVJ (Rig, Rik or Arch Veda Jyotish) and 43 in YVJ (Yajur Veda JYotish) out of which 19 verses have the same meaning. We have 6 verses in RVJ which are not included in YVJ."

Warm Regards
Sanjay P

1) Vedanga Jyotisham by Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra.

2) Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa of Lagadha in Its R̥k and Yajus Recensions By Lagadha,
T. S.Kuppanna Sastry, K.Venkateswara Sarma
Link :

3)Vedā̄ṅgajyotiṣam: Yajurvedināṃ paramparayā''gatam vistr̥tasaṃskr̥tabhūmikayā
On Vedic astrology and astronomy; critical edited text with Hindi and Sanskrit commentaries.
By Lagadha, Ācārya-Śivarāja Kauṇḍinnyāyana, SammodavardhanaKauṇḍinnyāyana, Somākara

1) Title:The distinctive features of Rik-Jyotisha
Authors:Holay, P. V.
Publication:Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, vol. 26, p.51 (BASI Homepage)
Publication Date:00/1998
Bibliographic Code:1998BASI...26...51H
Link :;data_type=PDF_HIGH&amp;whole_paper=YES&amp;type=PRINTER&amp;filetype=.pdf

2) Vedanga Jyotisha and Vedic Calendar
By Pramodavardhana Kaundinnyayana
Yajusha Vedanga Jyotisha consists of 44 stanzas. Eastern and western scholars suppose that the treatise was written some 3400 years ago. The treatise was in vogue in Vedic tradition until recently. But some astronomers are ill informed that Vedanga Jyotish is primitive and unscientific. But the fact is just the opposite. In Vedic tradition, Vedanga Jyotisha of Lagadha is the most ancient scripture for the determination of 'Kala' (time). A few commentaries are now available on it. One of them written by Somakara is known to be quite ancient. Shankar Balakrishna Dikshit said that Somakara's Bhasya was not mentioned in any other works in Sanskrit lierature4. But it was mentioned in Vishnubhatta's Purusharthachintamani. In the modern age different scholars have tried to analyse the Vedanga Jyotisha. A. Weber, G. Thibout, Janardan Balaji Modak, Shankar Balakrishna Dikshit, Chhotelal Barhaspatya, Sudhakar Dwivedi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, R. Shamashastri and others
presented their notes on Vedanga Jyotisha. Very recently H. M. Yajnik and T.S.K. Shastri are also known to have edited the Vedanga Jyotisha.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Panchanga Karana

|| Om Gurave Namah ||
Dear Readers,

Today, I tried to get my Land Title from the Tamilnadu Registration dept, I am running around to get my title for many weeks. This week they again said that it would take another week (since last one month) to get the papers. I tried to look up at the karana today, It was Vishti Karana !, No wonder my task failed (One more reason for them to :)).

Let me give you synopsis of 11 (7+4) karanas (Pasted Below). I usually try to do my land related activities on tuesdays (It's my 4th lord for simha lagna). But Today I had the tuesday fell on a bad karana and Also the Nakshatra was Rohini which is my Janma Nakshatra (I am Rohini born). Normally it's not advised to do auspicious activities on odd nakshatras from you birth nakshatra.

If your have a native born on Vishti (Bhadra) Karana look at the houses lorded by Saturn (Saturn is the ruler of this Karana). You may find that the house significance ruled by Aquarius and Capricorn would be delay or damaged, This can mostly happen due to profession also.
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra gives remedies for natives born on Bhadra (Vishti) Karana. If the Vishti karana is damaging the longevity the do Mrityunjaya Japam. Since Mercury is the general kaaraka for all profession and work, It's best do Vishnu Japam, A simple "Om Vishnave Namah" can be recited 108 times regularly.

As with all yogas, This nitya yoga, also has some caveats. Depending on the moon position the Birth or muhurtha on Vishti (Bhadra) Karana can have some good results too. Bhadra's position is reckoned based on the position of the moon.
If moon is in,
Mesha/Aries, Vrishaba/Taurus, Karka/Cancer, Makar/Capricorn : Then Bhadra is in Heavens. Auspicious Results

In Mithuna/Gemini, Kanya/Virgo, Tula/Libra, Dhanush/Saggittarius : Then Bhadra is in Nether Worlds, Acquisition of Wealth.

In Simha/Leo, Vrishchik/Scorpio, Kumbha/Aquarius, Meena/Pisces : Then Bhadra is in on Earth. Results Utter Ruination

Names Alternate Names Yoni Diety (Bharadhvaaja) Diety (Varahamihira) Nakshtra Correspondence Work Nature Graha Ruler
Lion Vishnu Indra Jyeshta Brahmins
Tiger Prajapati Brahma Rohini

Boar Moon Mitra Anuradha

Donkey Jupiter Aryama U. Phalguni Politics/Courts/Ornaments
Gara Garaja Elephant Vasus Bhu Dhanishta? Household/Agriculture
Vanik Vanija Cow Manibhadra Shri Shravana Trade/Commerce
Vishti Bhadra Dog Yama Yama Bharani
Extremely Malefic Avoid it! Saturn
Kali Ashlesha

Vrishna Rohini Cruel,Forcible,Hateful
4th lord
Phani Ashlesha

7th Lord
Kimstughna Cock Maaruta Swati 10th Lord
Reference:Fundamentals of Astrology By M. Ramakrishna Bhat

Monday, June 09, 2008

Graha motions

|| Om Gurave Namah ||
Dear Jyotishas,
Let me add my few understanding of the definitions of speed, Hopefully this will be of help,

The average motion of all grahas are as below (Ref: BV Raman Graha/Bhava Bala).

Graha Mean Motion
Sun 0.985602654500
Mars 0.52401933300
Mercury Same as Sun
Jupiter 0.08309633300
Venus Same as Sun
Saturn 0.03343933330

All units are degrees per Savana Day.

# Definition Strength Meaning Sign Change? Explanation
1 Vakra 60 Retrograde/Reverse
The Graha is going in reverse direction but has not changed to previous sign. If the Graha continued in it's average speed it still would have been in the same sign.
2 Anuvakra 30 Retrograde/Reverse And Moving Previous sign The Graha is going in reverse sign direction and also crossed previous sign. After Changing to previous sign the power is reduce from 60 to 30 but still has not come to normal
3 Vikal 15 Stationary
The graha has not moved. (Actually the graha can never be in absolute stationary motion, So the day it's moving from reverse to forward can be taken as stationary day)
4 Manda 30 Slow/Below Average
The Graha is going the below average speed. While trying to go below average speed, The graha has to put some effort (energy) this energy level is 30
5 Mandatara 15 Slow/Below Average And Moving Next sign The Grahas has crossed a sign on a below average speed, After changing the sign the graha's energy reduces from 30 to 15 but the graha still has to exert some effort
6 Sama 7.5 Normal/Average

7 Chara 45 Fast/Above Average
The Graha going in above average speed, To do this acceleration it has to exert effort of 45 Kalas.
8 Atichara 30 Fast/Above Average And Moving Next sign While going on above average speed the graha has moved to next sign, The sign is like a destination achieved, So the energy level is lower to 35 from 45. But still the graha has not come to normal speed in this state.

Warm Regards
Sanjay P

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sri Achyutaananda some reading materials.

|| Om Gurave Namah ||
Dear Friends,
Those who are interested in History of Achytaananda may find find these links useful,

Place Of Birth :
"Sri Acyuta Dasa was born to Sri Dinabandhu Khuntia and Padma devi in a village called Tilakana(north of Nemala in Orissa)",

If you refer the Wiki Map for this location mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath, I think this place is also called Padmapur (Padma+pur(town)), Could be named after his mother Padma.

His Books:
  1. Seven Khanda Harivamsa
  2. Seven khanda Ramayana
  3. Bhagavata anuvada
  4. Vyasa samhita
  5. Guru bhakti gita
  6. Sunya samhita
  7. Chayalisa pattala
  8. Dasa pattala malika
  9. Bhavishyata malika
  10. Kumara samhita
  11. Mahamantra kavaca
  12. Shunya Pothi: (In Palm Leaves, Copper or Silver) said to be completely blank (shunya). These are used for predictions. Read more
Achyatananda Natal Chart Date: January 30, 1510 Time: 22:00:00 Time Zone: 5:44:00 (East of GMT) Place: 86 E 00' 00", 23 N 30' 00" Padmapur, India Altitude: 0.00 meters Lunar Yr-Mo: Sukla - Magha Tithi: Sukla Ekadasi (Ma) (6.06% left) Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju) Nakshatra: Mrigasira (Ma) (17.87% left) Yoga: Vaidhriti (Ju) (20.29% left) Karana: Vishti (Sa) (12.11% left) Hora Lord: Mars (5 min sign: Cn) Mahakala Hora: Sun (5 min sign: Cn) Kaala Lord: Sun (Mahakala: Sun) Sunrise: 6:42:49 Sunset: 17:45:56 Janma Ghatis: 38.2161 Ayanamsa: 17-01-15.73 Sidereal Time: 6:35:38 Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa Lagna 21 Vi 08' 40.01" Hast 4 Vi Cn Sun - AmK 23 Cp 00' 37.50" Srav 4 Cp Cn Moon - GK 4 Ge 17' 00.93" Mrig 4 Ge Sc Mars - PK 12 Li 15' 16.44" Swat 2 Li Cp Mercury - AK 28 Sg 07' 50.42" USha 1 Sg Sg Jupiter - BK 22 Sg 05' 20.51" PSha 3 Sg Li Venus - DK 2 Pi 22' 50.99" PBha 4 Pi Cn Saturn (R) - MK 20 Vi 59' 46.05" Hast 4 Vi Cn Rahu - PiK 13 Sc 36' 37.54" Anu 4 Sc Sc Ketu 13 Ta 36' 37.54" Rohi 2 Ta Ta Maandi 23 Sc 28' 54.68" Jye 3 Sc Aq Gulika 12 Sc 51' 50.70" Anu 3 Sc Li Bhava Lagna 11 Vi 39' 41.81" Hast 1 Vi Ar Hora Lagna 0 Ta 57' 29.67" Krit 2 Ta Cp Ghati Lagna 28 Pi 50' 53.23" Reva 4 Pi Pi Vighati Lagna 18 Li 17' 51.06" Swat 4 Li Pi Varnada Lagna 21 Li 08' 40.01" Visa 1 Li Ar Sree Lagna 16 Cn 48' 05.01" Asre 1 Cn Sg Pranapada Lagna 18 Li 56' 34.61" Swat 4 Li Pi Indu Lagna 4 Ge 17' 00.93" Mrig 4 Ge Sc Dhooma 6 Ge 20' 37.50" Mrig 4 Ge Sc Vyatipata 23 Cp 39' 22.50" Dhan 1 Cp Le Parivesha 23 Cn 39' 22.50" Asre 3 Cn Aq Indra Chapa 6 Sg 20' 37.50" Mool 2 Sg Ta Upaketu 23 Sg 00' 37.50" PSha 3 Sg Li Kaala 9 Cp 04' 52.38" USha 4 Cp Pi Mrityu 26 Le 15' 23.96" PPha 4 Le Sc Artha Prahara 18 Vi 31' 32.58" Hast 3 Vi Ge Yama Ghantaka 10 Li 39' 04.31" Swat 2 Li Cp Prana Sphuta 28 Pi 35' 10.74" Reva 4 Pi Pi Deha Sphuta 17 Ar 07' 58.11" Bhar 2 Ar Vi Mrityu Sphuta 23 Ta 03' 32.44" Rohi 4 Ta Cn Sookshma TriSphuta 8 Ge 46' 41.28" Ardr 1 Ge Sg TriSphuta 8 Cn 17' 31.64" Push 2 Cn Vi ChatusSphuta 1 Ta 18' 09.14" Krit 2 Ta Cp PanchaSphuta 14 Sg 54' 46.68" PSha 1 Sg Le Kunda 2 Li 42' 00.51" Chit 3 Li Li +-----------------------------------------------+
|Ve GL | |Ke HL |Mo |
| | | | |
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| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|-----------| Rasi |-----------|
|Su | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|Me Ju |Ra Md |Ma |As SaR |
|AL |Gk | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |

| \ / \ / |
| \ Ma / \ / |
| \ / \ / |
| \ / SaR \ / |
|Gk \ / \ / |
|Ra Md x As x |
| / \ / \ |
| / \ / \ |
| / \ / \ |
| / Ju \ 6 / \ |
| / \ / \ |
| Me x Mo |
| \ / \ / |
| \ AL / \ / |
| \ / \ / |
| \ / GL \ / |
| \ / \ / |
|Su x Ve x HL Ke |
| / \ / \ |
| / \ / \ |
| / \ / \ |
| / \ / \ |
| / \ / \ |

| \ | | / |
| \ HL | | GL / |
| \ | | / |
| Mo \ Ke | | Ve / |
| \ | | / |
| \ | | / |
| \ | | / |
| | | |
| | | Su |
| | | |
| | Rasi | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| / | | \ |
| / | Ma | \ AL Ju |
| / | | \ |
| / As | | Ra \ Me |
| / | | \ |
| / SaR | | Md Gk \ |
| / | | \ |

|GL AL | |Ke | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|Md | |As Su |
| | |Ve SaR |
| | | |
| | | |
| | Navamsa | |
|-----------| |-----------|
|Ma HL | D-9 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|Me |Mo Ra |Ju Gk | |
| | | | |
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Navamsa D-9
| \ / \ / |
| \ / \ / |
| \ / \ / |
| \ / Su \ / |
| \ / \ / |
| x SaR As x Ke |
| / \ / \ |
| / \ Ve / \ |
| / \ / \ |
| / Gk \ 4 / \ |
| / \ / \ |
| Ju x |
| \ / \ / |
| \ / \ / |
| \ / \ / |
| \ / HL \ / |
| \ / \ / |
|Mo Ra x Ma x AL GL |
| / \ / \ |
| / \ / \ |
| / \ / \ |
| / Me \ / Md \ |
| / \ / \ |

| \ | | / |
| \ | | AL / |
| \ | | / |
| \ Ke | | GL / Md |
| \ | | / |
| \ | | / |
| \ | | / |
| | | |
| As Su | | Ma HL |
| Ve SaR | Navamsa | |
| | | |
| | D-9 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| / | | \ |
| / | Ju Gk | \ |
| / | | \ |
| / | | Mo \ Me |
| / | | \ |
| / | | Ra \ |
| / | | \ |

Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Mars Mars 1504-05-01 Rah 1504-10-01 Jup 1505-10-19 Sat 1506-09-25 Merc 1507-11-04 Ket 1508-10-31 Ven 1509-03-26 Sun 1510-05-27 Moon 1510-10-04 Rah Rah 1511-05-02 Jup 1514-01-13 Sat 1516-06-08 Merc 1519-04-13 Ket 1521-11-03 Ven 1522-11-21 Sun 1525-11-21 Moon 1526-10-17 Mars 1528-04-13 Jup Jup 1529-05-02 Sat 1531-06-21 Merc 1534-01-01 Ket 1536-04-07 Ven 1537-03-14 Sun 1539-11-16 Moon 1540-09-04 Mars 1542-01-02 Rah 1542-12-09 Sat Sat 1545-05-02 Merc 1548-05-05 Ket 1551-01-14 Ven 1552-02-21 Sun 1555-04-23 Moon 1556-04-04 Mars 1557-11-07 Rah 1558-12-15 Jup 1561-10-23 Merc Merc 1564-05-02 Ket 1566-10-02 Ven 1567-09-29 Sun 1570-07-29 Moon 1571-06-03 Mars 1572-11-03 Rah 1573-11-01 Jup 1576-05-17 Sat 1578-08-26 Ket Ket 1581-05-02 Ven 1581-10-02 Sun 1582-12-01 Moon 1583-04-05 Mars 1583-11-07 Rah 1584-04-01 Jup 1585-04-20 Sat 1586-03-26 Merc 1587-05-06 Ven Ven 1588-05-02 Sun 1591-09-05 Moon 1592-09-04 Mars 1594-05-02 Rah 1595-07-04 Jup 1598-07-04 Sat 1601-03-02 Merc 1604-05-02 Ket 1607-03-02 Sun Sun 1608-05-02 Moon 1608-08-23 Mars 1609-02-18 Rah 1609-06-27 Jup 1610-05-21 Sat 1611-03-09 Merc 1612-02-19 Ket 1612-12-27 Ven 1613-05-02 Moon Moon 1614-05-02 Mars 1615-03-03 Rah 1614-10-05 Jup 1617-04-01 Sat 1618-08-04 Merc 1620-03-02 Ket 1621-08-04 Ven 1622-03-02 Sun 1623-11-04

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Navagraha Stotra

|| Om Gurave Namah ||
Dear Friends,
The following Stotra for nine grahas has been given by Vyasa. This is one of the best mantra you can do for the nine grahas. You individually select a specific graha mantra or recite it completely.
When you do your daily pancha upchar i.e worship
1) Ganesha
2) Surya or Agni or Karthikeya
3) Vishnu
4) Shiva
5) Mother Goddess.
You can recite the graha mantra after the 2) i,e Agni or Surya or Karthikeya mantras.
Warm Regards
Sanjay P
जपाकुसुमसंकाशं काश्यपेयं महद्युतिम् .
तमोऽरिM सर्वपापघ्नं प्रणतोऽस्मि दिवाकरम् .. १..

दधिशण^खतुषाराभं क्शीरोदार्णवसंभवम् .
नमामि शशिनं सोमं शम्भोर्मुकुटभूषणम् .. २..

धरणीगर्भसंभूतं विद्युत्कान्तिसमप्रभम् .
कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं च मण^गलं प्रणमाम्यहम् .. ३..
प्रियङगुकलिकाश्यामं रूपेणाप्रतिमं बुधम् .
सौम्यं सौम्यगुणोपेतं तं बुधं प्रणमाम्यहम् .. ४..
देवानां च ऋषीणां च गुरुं काज्ञ्चनसंनिभम् .
बुद्धिभूतं त्रिलोकेशं तं नमामि बृहस्पतिम् .. ५..
हिमकुन्दमृणालाभं दैत्यानां परमं गुरुम् .
सर्वशास्त्रप्रवक्तारं भार्गवं प्रणमाम्यहम् .. ६..

नीलांजनसमाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम् .
छायामार्तण्डसंभूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम् .. ७..
अर्धकायं महावीर्यं चन्द्रादित्यविमर्दनम् .
सिंहिकागर्भसंभूतं तं राहुं प्रणमाम्यहम् .. ८..

पलाशपुष्पसंकाशं तारकाग्रहमस्तकम् .
रौद्रं रौद्रात्मकं घोरं तं केतुं प्रणमाम्यहम् .. ९..

इति व्यासमुखोद्गीतं यः पठेत्सुसमाहितः .
दिवा वा यदि वा रात्रौ विघ{}नशान्तिर्भविष्यति .. १०..
नरनारीनृपाणाM च भवेद्दुःस्वप्ननाशनम् .
ऐश्वर्यमतुलं तेषामारोग्यं पुष्टिवर्धनम् ..
गृहनक्शत्रजाः पीडास्तस्कराग्निसमुद्भवाः .
ताः सर्वाः प्रशमं यान्ति व्यासो ब्रूते न संशयः ..
.. इति श्रीव्यासविरचितं नवग्रहस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम्..


Om Sree Ganesaaya Namah

Japaakusumasankaasam Kaasyapeyam Mahaadyutim;

Tamorim Sarva-paapaghnam Pranatosmi Divaakaram. (1)

Dadhi-Sankha-Tushaaraabham Ksheeraarnava-Samudbhavam;

Namaami Sasinam Somam Sambhor-mukuta-bhooshanam. (2)

Dharanee-garbha-sambhootam Vidyut-kaanti-samaprabham;

Kumaaram Sakti-hastam Tam Mangalam Pranamaamyaham. (3)

Priyangukalikaasyaamam Roopenaapratimam Budham;

Saumyam Saumyagunopetam Tam Budham Pranamaamyaham. (4)

Devaanaam cha Rishinaam cha Gurum Kaanchana-sannibham;

Buddhibhootam Trilokesam Tam Namaami Brihaspatim. (5)

Himakunda Mrinaalaabham Daityaanaam Paramam Gurum;

Sarva-saastra-pravaktaaram Bhaargavam Pranamaamyaham. (6)

Neelaanjana-samaabhaasam Raviputram Yamaagrajam;

Chaayaamaartanda-sambhootam Tam Namaami Sanaischaram. (7)

Ardhakaayam Mahaaveeryam Chandraaditya-vimardanam;

Simhikaa-garbha-sambhootam Tam Raahum Pranamaamyaham. (8)

Palaasa-pushpa-sankaasam Taarakaa-graha-mastakam;

Raudram Raudraatmakam Ghoram Tam Ketum Pranamaamyaham. (9)

Iti Vyaasamukhodgeetam Yah Pathet-susamaahitah;

Divaa Vaa Yadi Vaa Raatrau Vighna-saantir-bhavishyati. (10)

Nara-Naari-Nripaanaam cha Bhaved Duhsvapna-naasanam;

Aiswaryam-atulam Teshaamaarogyam Pushtivardhanam. (11)

Graha-nakshatrajaah Peedaas-taskaraagni-samudbhavaah;

Taah Sarvaah Prasamam Yaanti Vyaaso Broote Na Samsayah. (12)

Iti Sree Vyaasa-virachitam Navagraha-



Om Sree Ganesaaya Namah

1. I prostrate to (and seek the blessings of)

Soorya (Sun-God), who shines like the Japa Kusuma flower

(which is of deep-red colour), who is the son of sage

Kasyapa, who is resplendent, who is the enemy of

darkness, and who destroys all (kinds of) sins.

2. I prostrate to

Soma (Moon-God), whose colour is white like yogurt, conch and snow; who rose from the


(milk-ocean) and who adorns the head of Lord Siva (as the cresent moon).

3. I prostrate to

Mangala (also known as Angaaraka) (the Deity presiding over the Mars-planet), who is

born of earth, who shines like the lightning, who is called

Kumaara (Kaarttikeya), and who holds in his

hand the weapon called


4. I prostrate to

Budha (the Deity presiding over the Mercury-planet) who has a dark-blue complexion like

the bud of the creeper called

Priyang, who is incomparably beautiful; who is wise, who is the son of


or Moon-God; and who is of a very charitable and noble disposition.

5. I prostrate to

Brihaspati (the Deity presiding over the Jupiter-planet), who is the Guru of the Devatas

(gods) and Maharshis, who is resplendent like gold, who is of the form of wisdom, and who is the lord

of the three worlds.

6. I prostrate to

Sukraachaarya (the Deity presiding over the Venus-planet), who shines like snow, Kundaflower


Mrinal-flower (all which are pure white), who is the great Guru of the Asuras (demons) and

who is the master-teacher of all

Sastras (scriptures).

7. I prostrate to

Sanaischara (the Deity presiding over the Saturn-planet), whose complexion is like the

shining dark-blue collyrium (for the eye), who is the son of

Soorya (Sun-God), who is the elder brother


Yama (the lord of death) and who is born of Soorya and his wife Chaayaa.

8. I prostrate to

Raahu (Dragon-head), who has a half-body, who is of extraordinary strength, who is the

oppressor of the moon and the sun, and who is born of


9. I prostrate to

Ketu (Dragon-tail), who shines like Palaasa-flower (red colour), who is the foremost

among the stars and planets, who is

Raudra and whose form is fierce and fearful.

10. He who reads (or chants) these

Stotras gifted by Sage Vyaasa, either by day or by night (at any time)

with a peaceful and concentrated mind, he is freed from all obstacles.

11. Men, women or kings and rulers – whoever reads these

Stotras – they are freed from the effects of baddreams;

and their wealth, health and prosperity will increase limitlessly.

12. Sage Vyaasa (who composed this Navagraha-Stotras) says that one (who chants this) will be freed from

fears, dangers, worries, etc. caused by the planets, stars, robbers and fire. There is no doubt about this.

Thus ends the Navagraha-Stotra of Sage Vyasa.

Thus the Navagraha-Stotras.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Barack Obama

|| Om Gurave Namah ||
Dear Jyotishas,

I was thinking about Barack Obama's Chart after the recent news event about his quiting the church[1]. Relating this with his previous incidents about his father I felt that there has to be a strong indications on his 9th house for this.

Lois Rodden database gives a time of 19:11 from a birth certificate[3]. If I use this chart, Then I get Capricorn, rising with a Chara kaaraka replacement between Matri kaaraka Moon and Pitri kaaraka Mercury. Mercury is the 9th lord, conjoined Pitri Sthira kaaraka Sun. Sun's natural age is 21-22 for fructification ("A few month's after Barack's 21st birthday, he received a call from an aunt in Nairobi informing him of his father's death."[3]), So this falls on dot with Charaka karaka replacement. Sun being the replacing Sthira kaaraka for Chara Pitri kaaraka Mercury gave bad results due to 8th house ownership.

Now as per Narayana Dasa, His second cycle Narayana dasa is starting again, Showing the same symptoms as seen in his childhood ("
When Barack was two, his father returned to Africa, and the young boy lived in Hawaii with his mom and grandparents."). This time it repeated itself on his spiritual guide ("Mr. Obama said he and his wife, Michelle, wrote a letter on Friday to the church's pastor, the Rev. Otis Moss, explaining that their estrangement from Trinity took root in controversial remarks by the church's former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., who once was Mr. Obama's spiritual guide"[1])

Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Maha Dasas:

Cn: 1961-08-04 (19:11:00) - 1964-08-04 (13:39:00)
Ge: 1964-08-04 (13:39:00) - 1965-08-04 (19:47:02)
Ta: 1965-08-04 (19:47:02) - 1966-08-05 (1:53:26)
Ar: 1966-08-05 (1:53:26) - 1970-08-05 (2:32:30)
Pi: 1970-08-05 (2:32:30) - 1971-08-05 (8:39:08)
Aq: 1971-08-05 (8:39:08) - 1972-08-04 (14:52:27)
Cp: 1972-08-04 (14:52:27) - 1984-08-04 (16:39:12)
Sg: 1984-08-04 (16:39:12) - 1984-08-04 (16:39:12)
Sc: 1984-08-04 (16:39:12) - 1993-08-05 (0:01:15)
Li: 1993-08-05 (0:01:15) - 2001-08-05 (1:09:30)
Vi: 2001-08-05 (1:09:30) - 2003-08-05 (13:25:04)
Le: 2003-08-05 (13:25:04) - 2004-08-04 (19:43:05)
Cn: 2004-08-04 (19:43:05) - 2013-08-05 (3:03:19)
Ge: 2013-08-05 (3:03:19) - 2024-08-04 (22:36:39)

I would request learned jyotisha's to give their views on this.

Warm Regards
Sanjay P

[1]Following Months of Criticism, Obama Quits His Church



On May 15, 2008 at UAC Denver, Joni Patry announced that a client of hers knows someone who works on Obama's campaign and who reports that Obama's time of birth is 7:11 PM, from birth certificate. As this data cannot be confirmed or verified, we must keep the Rodden Rating of DD; however it is an interesting piece of news and does seem more reliable than the other times we have collected and posted to date. Previously, various times of birth have been circulated or posted. A time of 1:06 PM was provided by Fran McEvoy who told PT she couldn't remember who gave it to her. She said that the person reportedly obtained the time from Obama and wished to remain anonymous. McEvoy adamantly denied that she heard it from Obama at a "shout-out" in NH as reported in the Andrew Mangino article in the NY Observer online of July 24, 2007. PT has received e-mails or seen postings listing 9:51 AM, 10:02 AM, 1:15 PM, 2:10 AM, 6:10 AM, "1-3 AM," and "Virgo rising," but these times have either been acknowledged to be speculation, rectification or otherwise not traceable to an original or reliable source.

Obama, Barack 1911 Natal Chart Date: August 4, 1961 Time: 19:11:00 Time Zone: 10:00:00 (West of GMT) Place: 157 W 51' 30", 21 N 18' 25" Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Altitude: 18.00 meters Lunar Yr-Mo: Plava - Ashadha Tithi: Krishna Dasami (Mo) (77.51% left) Vedic Weekday: Friday (Ve) Nakshatra: Krittika (Su) (0.56% left) Yoga: Dhruva (Ke) (81.37% left) Karana: Vanija (Ve) (55.03% left) Hora Lord: Sun (5 min sign: Cn) Mahakala Hora: Mars (5 min sign: Sc) Kaala Lord: Sun (Mahakala: Sun) Sunrise: 6:06:02 Sunset: 19:08:32 Janma Ghatis: 32.7073 Ayanamsa: 23-19-14.30 Sidereal Time: 15:33:38 Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa Lagna 20 Cp 58' 05.61" Srav 4 Cp Cn Sun - BK 19 Cn 13' 35.38" Asre 1 Cn Sg Moon - MK 9 Ta 55' 29.10" Krit 4 Ta Pi Mars - AK 29 Le 15' 38.65" UPha 1 Le Sg Mercury - PiK 9 Cn 00' 34.44" Push 2 Cn Vi Jupiter (R) - GK 7 Cp 32' 18.19" USha 4 Cp Pi Venus - PK 8 Ge 28' 03.65" Ardr 1 Ge Sg Saturn (R) - DK 2 Cp 00' 33.80" USha 2 Cp Cp Rahu - AmK 4 Le 34' 28.83" Magh 2 Le Ta Ketu 4 Aq 34' 28.83" Dhan 4 Aq Sc Maandi 12 Ta 52' 39.43" Rohi 1 Ta Ar Gulika 2 Ta 01' 58.82" Krit 2 Ta Cp Bhava Lagna 4 Aq 56' 53.25" Dhan 4 Aq Sc Hora Lagna 21 Le 11' 30.72" PPha 3 Le Li Ghati Lagna 9 Ar 55' 23.15" Aswi 3 Ar Ge Vighati Lagna 13 Ge 34' 45.29" Ardr 3 Ge Aq Varnada Lagna 20 Aq 58' 05.61" PBha 1 Aq Aq Sree Lagna 18 Cp 56' 11.20" Srav 3 Cp Ge Pranapada Lagna 14 Ge 06' 04.90" Ardr 3 Ge Aq Indu Lagna 9 Cp 55' 29.10" USha 4 Cp Pi Dhooma 2 Sg 33' 35.38" Mool 1 Sg Ar Vyatipata 27 Cn 26' 24.62" Asre 4 Cn Pi Parivesha 27 Cp 26' 24.62" Dhan 2 Cp Vi Indra Chapa 2 Ge 33' 35.38" Mrig 3 Ge Li Upaketu 19 Ge 13' 35.38" Ardr 4 Ge Pi Kaala 21 Ge 32' 37.74" Puna 1 Ge Ar Mrityu 2 Aq 22' 04.46" Dhan 3 Aq Li Artha Prahara 28 Aq 26' 40.75" PBha 3 Aq Ge Yama Ghantaka 25 Pi 18' 54.95" Reva 3 Pi Aq Prana Sphuta 16 Ta 52' 26.87" Rohi 3 Ta Ge Deha Sphuta 21 Pi 25' 51.59" Reva 2 Pi Cp Mrityu Sphuta 3 Pi 27' 27.15" UBha 1 Pi Le Sookshma TriSphuta 11 Ar 45' 45.62" Aswi 4 Ar Cn TriSphuta 2 Ar 55' 33.53" Aswi 1 Ar Ar ChatusSphuta 22 Cn 09' 08.91" Asre 2 Cn Cp PanchaSphuta 26 Sc 43' 37.74" Jye 4 Sc Pi Kunda 18 Vi 25' 34.37" Hast 3 Vi Ge +-----------------------------------------------+ | |GL |Mo Md |Ve | | | |Gk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Ke | |Su Me | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |As JuR | |Ma Ra | |SaR | |HL | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | | |AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Sun Sun 1955-08-17 Moon 1955-12-05 Mars 1956-06-02 Rah 1956-10-11 Jup 1957-09-05 Sat 1958-06-22 Merc 1959-06-03 Ket 1960-04-08 Ven 1960-08-17 Moon Moon 1961-08-17 Mars 1962-06-15 Rah 1963-01-15 Jup 1964-07-16 Sat 1965-11-16 Merc 1967-06-16 Ket 1968-11-16 Ven 1969-06-15 Sun 1971-02-13 Mars Mars 1971-08-18 Rah 1972-01-12 Jup 1973-01-29 Sat 1974-01-06 Merc 1975-02-13 Ket 1976-02-11 Ven 1976-07-10 Sun 1977-09-11 Moon 1978-01-15 Rah Rah 1978-08-17 Jup 1981-04-26 Sat 1983-09-24 Merc 1986-07-30 Ket 1989-02-13 Ven 1990-03-03 Sun 1993-03-03 Moon 1994-01-26 Mars 1995-07-30 Jup Jup 1996-08-17 Sat 1998-10-06 Merc 2001-04-14 Ket 2003-07-24 Ven 2004-06-28 Sun 2007-02-25 Moon 2007-12-17 Mars 2009-04-14 Rah 2010-03-21 Sat Sat 2012-08-17 Merc 2015-08-21 Ket 2018-04-27 Ven 2019-06-07 Sun 2022-08-08 Moon 2023-07-21 Mars 2025-02-16 Rah 2026-03-27 Jup 2029-02-01 Merc Merc 2031-08-18 Ket 2034-01-12 Ven 2035-01-09 Sun 2037-11-11 Moon 2038-09-18 Mars 2040-02-14 Rah 2041-02-10 Jup 2043-09-03 Sat 2045-12-08 Ket Ket 2048-08-17 Ven 2049-01-12 Sun 2050-03-12 Moon 2050-07-21 Mars 2051-02-17 Rah 2051-07-18 Jup 2052-08-05 Sat 2053-07-11 Merc 2054-08-21 Ven Ven 2055-08-18 Sun 2058-12-17 Moon 2059-12-17 Mars 2061-08-18 Rah 2062-10-18 Jup 2065-10-18 Sat 2068-06-16 Merc 2071-08-18 Ket 2074-06-16